Clash Of Gods Part 3 - Plan Delay...

As the battle progressed, one would constantly see times when either Necrozma, Arceus, or Leona claimed the initiative in their battle. However, this initiative usually doesn't last long due to many variables.

Infinite Giga Havoc advantage was rarely seen event in their battle. This only worked because Necrozma didn't expect her onslaught with Leona was used against them. Now that both sides are cautious, a 3rd part view of this battle would make one believe they're watching an act.

Of course, these few minutes of battle weren't wasted. Necrozma still managed to destroy the Stone and Meadow Plate during this time. Making 3 Plates have been destroyed so far.

Slowly but steadily Arceus Plates are being destroyed. This doesn't get Necrozma arrogant though, she millenniums ago had done this and the current her is far stronger than back then.

Similarly, Arceus too has grown stronger. For all she knows, Arceus is sacrificing these Plates intentionally.

Regardless of how confident Necrozma is if she gets arrogant over a small victory while fighting Arceus that might just be the deciding factor in her defeat. A small but possible possibility.

As for Leona. Her effects in this battle have been small, not insignificantly, but not far from there either. Her attacks are as annoying as getting burned by a droplet of boiling oil while cooking.

Though despite how small her effects on this battle are, as stated, a small effect can bring forth much bigger effects. The Butterfly effect.

For every attack she fired, it meant one more thing Arceus needs to focus on. If not for Arceus excelling in multitasking, this extra attack could've been fatal. Pity, regardless of how good Arceus is, her attacks also mean an extra probability of making a mistake. One that might just be fatal in itself.

This is assuming Arceus hadn't adjusted to her arrival, which he already has. The only reason Arceus hasn't made an appropriate counterattack is that he's biding his time. All for a chance to get his inheritors closer.

Speaking of inheritors, Daniel himself is staring at this battlefield cautiously with numerous anti-charm active. There's no way he'll follow retarded-alternate-him part, he did rather die to Mike than follow that part.

Daniel isn't that confident in getting close to Arceus without getting killed and there's no way in hell he's going so early.

Going now just meant dying either to Necrozma or to Arceus.

Daniel never intended to die such an 'honorable' death unless necessary and with the pleas of the world even if he wanted to he wouldn't anymore.

What Daniel needs to do is find a way to get Arceus satisfied with the incoming replacement. Satisfied enough to use her instead of them.

In this case, Marshadow awakening its Origin accidentally was a good job. It meant it had a better chance to survive in this place than he.

As for the other fools who want to intefere, Lazuli should be able to distract them until everything's over.

'Hero complex,' Daniel sighed, sensing the arrival of Marshadow.

"It's going," Marshadow explains appearing beside Daniel.

"Hopefully this hero can save the day," Daniel thought. The chances of it surviving should be high seeing as it could defeat Marshadow.

"Now, let's shatter any hopes Arceus have of sacrificing me," Daniel said.

"Does that mean we're going too!" Marshadow couldn't hold back her excitement. Finally, she has gotten the chance to complete what she was born to do.

"Now let's begin... daughter,"



Balls of Ghost-type energy and Poison-type energy shot toward Necrozma and Leona respectively.

With the Legend Plate active, most rules have been suppressed something neither cared enough about as Leona's attack is a combination of Spiritual energy and Fairy-type energy while Necrozma's Light Law key effects haven't been affected. Speed and light.

Prismatic Lasers shot forth from Necrozma's wings countering the Judgement coming her way while Leona uses Psywave to obliterate those that came her way.

As Necrozma's wings shot forth Prismatic Lasers, Necrozma sends forth multiple Photon Geysers at Arceus.

With Order: Border countered, Arceus had no great defensive method against Necrozma's signature attack and instead creates a thick Dark-type barrier using the Dread Plate.

#Lock On#

#Judgement of the Uncleansed#

The Dread Plate shone brighter than ever, getting Necrozma's attention and caution. Immediately wrapping multiple Psychic barriers around her, she braces herself for impact.


From above a pillar of Dark-type energy shot down at Necrozma, shattering all her barriers and shooting her toward the ground. As for the Dread Plate, it lost its luster and crumbled to ashes.

#Judgement: Spears#

Numerous speaks of Ghost-type energy appeared around Arceus, all shooting towards Necrozma leaving her no time to react.

"STOP!" Leona shouts. Her voice spread forth and together with Cuteness Overload, the spears stop inches away from stabbing into the empty ground Necrozma was once in.

As for where Necrozma was now? Right behind the frozen Arceus, Dragon Claws aimed at the Space-Time Plate and the Legend Plate.

By the time Arceus unfroze, Necrozma's attack had now touched the Plates. Regardless of what Arceus does here, they'll break which would force Arceus to use cards he rather not use yet.

Luckily, the hero always arrives late.


#Chaos Shift#

'Pink' had arrived and used Chaos Shift, shifting the coordinates of space so that Necrozma's attack reaches her, and with her currently enshrouded in her Corruptive Flames. Necrozma was in a troublesome situation now.

The flames not only solidified enough to block her attacks, but they managed to spread onto her. As a spiritual attack, Necrozma just like most has few means to stop this.

Ignoring the pain, the attack carries a high concentration of Negative Energy. High enough that it would shadowfy most Pokemons on the spot, meaning a certain defeat for Necrozma if she can't stop this.

Which she can. Taking advantage of her overwhelming speed, she needed to retreat from Arceus and quickly get this flame off her.

Luckily, Leona was far from hopeless.

She too had taken advantage of Arceus momentarily freeze from Cuteness Overload. Her wand had transformed into a sword, one that was only inches away from stabbing Arceus, forcing Arceus to focus on her.

#Extreme Speed#

Arceus attempts to slip right past Leona, however, Leona had no intention of letting him escape.

#Black Hole#

Taking advantage of her Species' ability, Black Hole although fails to pull Arceus in, succeeded in slowing Arceus down enough so that Leona can once more try to cut Arceus.

"I'm here to help," 'Pink' said, her corruptive flames covering her hand as she held the blade in place.

It was then one noticed that the whole battlefield was covered in flames. 'Pink' can appear anywhere she wants in such an environment so although she lacked the means to deal with Necrozma, she could let the person who can focus on Necrozma.

Instead, she'll deal with the Pokemon of similar strength to her.

The fight had returned to Arceus vs Necrozma with extras starting their own battle. A big gain for Arceus, since he's seeing a possible replacement right before his eyes.

However, that doesn't matter. Necrozma alone can't delay him.