Eternatus Strikes Back

Don't know about you, but these few centuries inside a f*cking egg were hell.

For all I know, the millennium's passed, and everyone I knew is dead. The world may have even forgotten about me.

Anyways, hi, I'm Mike Saiko and I was dead. Now I'm the egg of Eternatus.

Based on the enormous size of Eternatus, one would expect the egg to be big, but I feel quite small in here. It could just be my senses f*cking with me though.

However, not all eggs are small. I recall Arceus' egg wasn't small but it wasn't big either.

Then again, System has its own rules it follows.

For example, Pokemon Pink or Ouroboros wasn't a Pokemon I could reincarnate as.

However, I could become the variant Arbok and with the aid of Ho-oh become Ouroboros much easier than Medusa, but Phenex is unlikely to help and there's no need wanting to be Ouroboros when there's Eternatus.

Speaking of Legendaries, I wonder how far Artic (previously Articuno) has reached in plan Beta. The plan revolves around my plan failing but I still survive.

Arceus may have taken note of her existence if he had won and gotten rid of her but Giovanni? He's human, a prideful one. Artic should be safe until she starts.

Divinity is something worth learning if I ever get the chance, but with it requiring the Soul Plate that's also impossible.

I'm bored as f*ck and fed up with hearing the mouths of you folks, my friends.

I'm 90% certain one of you are responsible for all my suffering and sincerely hope you know PAIN.

Anyhow, I think I can move my body properly now.


Yep, from egg to wiggly worm.



What the f*ck!? Why is this shell so f*cking hard!?

Or am I just too weak?


Destruction energy spread across the shell brightens it up like a light bulb before fading away.

Heh? Why does this egg seem to have similar properties to Border?

Also, it's so thick in energy I won't be surprised if I'm in the enemy's base right now.

Well, it won't matter. Peak Eternatus should be much stronger than Arceus and Necrozma, much less the weakened Eternatus and the 'Strongest' lifeform.

Meanwhile, we have Arceus and possibly Necrozma and me.

Nothing could go wrong as this is our win right here.

F*ck! You all made me jinx myself!

Just you wait, once I come out of here...



Wait, come down... Deep breaths.

*inhale* *exhale*

I'm overreacting. Not about you all jinxing me, no that's certain and I'll sooner or later find and end you. What I'm talking about is my failures in breaking my eggshell.

If Destructive energy doesn't break it, there are plenty of other ways to break it.

As I was about to add from an Origin Dragon Claw, I look at my claws in shock. I had completely forgotten, Eternatus was one of the few Pokemons who don't need to do this, his attacks always use Origin energy, unless I choose not to.

Origin Dragon Claw is pretty much-adding Origin energy into Dragon Claw. All energies come from a very watered-down version of Origin, and these Origin attacks are trying to replace as much of those energies with Origin.

Arceus and Eternatus are the only Pokemons that can use Origin energy completely without using a special form from their very birth. I know, Regigigas can do this too and the God trio can do this in their Origin form.

In short, I should just use a strong attack to break free from this egg state.

#Eterna-Destruction Beam#


And finish it off with a firm Dragon Tail.


Beautiful was the only word to describe this sight. The sight of the garden and the sight of my mouth moving like a woodpecker as I swallow each and every eggshell on the floor.


"Thanks for the help, got to go," There's no time to say more to Xerneas, not when a Pokemon is coming over rapidly.

Eternatus is coming over to swallow me.

Worst of all, I didn't come as Peak Eternatus as expected, but the game version of Eternatus not even the Eternamax Eternatus like the one heading my way.

The only bright side to this is that I can use this fight to gain the stimulation needed to awaken Pure Instincts. Apparently, the year Sei mentioned was needed to awaken was based on me being active during the year and not me sleeping through it or being stuck in an egg.

The only bright side is that once I swallow him, I gain the strength of Peak-Eternatus, making all plans against me useless. In the face of a competent Pokemon in the body of Peak-Eternatus, who stops me?

So, let's play in the sky Eternatus!

Soaring through the skies...



I heard 2 distinct roars, 1 from Eternatus and the other from Rayquaza, the question here is wish one.

Either way, I need to go far away from Earth, possibly take this fight outside the Universe to avoid interferences. Only then can I...



My head dives down avoiding a bullet to the head.

A distance away from here, I saw Mewtwo holding a sniper rifle sitting on Eternatus' head as it flew towards me, the giant hand stretching forward wanting to grab me.

Okay, time to get the f*ck out of here!

I have a feeling I don't want to get hit by any of those bullets.

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*

Relying on my Pure Instincts: False, I managed to avoid each and every shot, and luckily despite Eternatus form, his speed hasn't increased so the difference between us only shortens thanks to Mewtwo and even then the sniper must run out of bullets... right?



"Oh, f*ck you too!"

Was it a bird, or was it a plane? No, it was the Chinese flying serpent, Origin Dragon Ascenting her way towards me.

My Dragon Tail swipes down at her sending her right back to Hong Kong.


Followed by changing to Ultra Iron Tail, successfully blocking the bullet.

"Alright, let's see how you f*ckers face a Conceptual God of Destruction with close to Infinite Origin energy!"

The sky around us turns red from Destructive energy.

Quetzalcoatl had already accomplished her job by delaying me, now retreat was no longer an option. It's either do or die!


Where did the calm before the storm go?

The minute he chose Eternatus, I had no way of stopping the next one from finding him.

I mean, where do you think the energy came from to form Mike's Eternatus?

Once the other absorbs the other, the remaining energy across the Universe that belongs to Eternatus would forcefully be pulled back returning Eternatus to its Peak.