Lake Guardians Strikes Back

Keep forgetting to auto-upload. This excuse will remain for the rest of the month.


Location - ???, ???, ???

"Location breachedsss," Medusa announced.

Team Rocket managing to pinpoint and enter this Universe without finding Medusa should've been impossible. There shouldn't be a backdoor in this world as this world existed purely through Medusa.

'Ah, those gifts,' Sei recalled. Gifts or blessings are given to Pokemon at or above the Guardian stage. Enhancing an ability to levels beyond what it's normally capable of.

With how Arceus could reclaim this at any time, the Ouroboros faction along with possibly the other factions, have long since converted these Gifts into their power.

Practically recreating the exact version of this ability before abandoning that gift.

The Pokemon System would surely have a record of this ability and provide a counter much better than based on one's observation and experience alone.

Possibly, the world's previous connection with Ouroboros' ability is the backdoor the intruders entered from.

"Intruders leader is Mewtwo and Cain's the vice, the rest are humans, 500 of them," Sei mutters. "And this is without mentioning their Pokemons, possibly Zacian and Zamazenta are among them,"

From many perspectives, a fight against them can lead to their win. They may not have an army but Shub's Younglings can hold back half of them while the rest can overpower the enemy with sheer strength.

In that case, their purpose here isn't to win. Unless of course, they have more forces incoming or even hidden ones among them.

Either way, their purpose should all be pointed at her.

"Medusa, teleport all of them along with me and head for Team Rocket's headquarters in Alola," Sei commands.

Medusa should be one of the few Pokemons that can enter to make that backdoor work, along with possibly Giratina on Team Rocket's side and Palkia on there's.

"Caresss," Medusa warned before teleporting away.

Sei at the moment is in the weakest state an Arceus can be.

No Plates, Omniscient at a low level (Peak-Intermediate), and barely have been able to recreate one of Arceus' cards. Taking a decade to accomplish this tough, is still a shock as none of Arceus' cards were something that is recreated easily.

The world shifts from the almost empty Universe with a few planets and stars to Unova's Victory Road.

There one can see Mewtwo in X form wearing a metal-like armor and spear in hand standing opposite to Sei and the 2 surrounded by flying mecha suits, jets, artilleries, and a few other weapons of war.

"All who challenge me shall never reincarnate," Sei said.

#Realm of Reincarnation#

Releasing her ability to convert the area around her into the Reincarnation Plane, in here...

"Spotted hostile enemies, initiating defensive mechanisms,"

She can show why no Pokemon has considered entering her land, the Reincarnation Plane.


#Summoning Jutsu#

"Die mongrels!" With a long-underused ability, the sun Magcargo appears above coming down at Earth like a shooting star.

Despite not having Origin, the amount of Fire-type energy within this attack can still cause serious damage to Origin humans. The weakest species of Origin users.

Multiple mecha suits fired forth laser beams from their guns, all destroying before even moving a centimeter out of their nuzzle.


Releasing a roar filled with Destructive energy, I saw the mecha unit gathering together and creating one sci-fi blue barrier wanting to resist the attack.

Unbreakable? Let's see about that.

#Destroy Law#

Those with good eyes would've noticed how quickly a red light flashed through the barrier, destroying the Unbreakable within it.

Luckily the only one with a good eye here is Eternatus, Mewtwo has long since left the battlefield.

Just as Roar of Destruction was about to hit the barrier, suddenly Red Chains appeared in front of it rapidly fully neutralizing my attack.


Spreading Destructive energy around me even thicker to prevent any object from getting closer, my gaze past the mocking smile of Eternatus and went to the trio who appeared on the battlefield.

Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie, the Lake Guardians.

Also known as, the counter of conceptual gods.

This is far too annoying, they're just as weak as the group of humans yet I can feel the danger of fighting them.

"Bring it on!" Crushing such fools sounds like fun.

Leaving the humans to the crashing star, I rush towards the trio aggressively.

The trio's fingers points at me causing Red Chains to shoot out from all around me, all of which attempt to suppress my strength before ensnaring me.

Not a chance that was happening though.

#Destructive Step#

The distance between me and them had reached zero and my mouth was filled with energy ready to destroy them all.

#Eterna-Destruction Beam#

Red Chains wrapped around the trio like cocoons, fully blocking the attack, and finally opens out like an Octopus as it shoots forth to grab me.

Once more I use Destructive Steps, stepping far out of harm's way before noticing Magcargo was already taken care of. Neatly, ensnared in a Flame Ball.

Should've expected that.


Didn't expect this though.

The trio had wrapped the entire battlefield in a box made of Red Chains, it was slowly shrinking becoming a countdown to defeat.

I'll need to kill them before the time runs out, if I take too long, it'll be me who loses this.

A game of life and death.

Why does it get my heart pumping so fast?


Location - Glitch's mind

"As my child how can you be so pathetic!? You are my creation, an abomination that either goes down the part of destruction or becomes a Demon Lord. So how did you become a pet?" Glitch's creator, aka Devil, shouts.

"I'm nobody's pet, except..."

"Mike's," Devil said. "Is this because I put too few souls in that mixture?"

Thinking like that, it would make sense. Usually, the number of souls could reach Billions and not just a few Millions, Glitch is a rare case. A case that still wouldn't enter down this part.

With a wine cup in hand, with crystal clear yet ominous water in it, releasing numerous cries and pleas, Devil twirls the mixture in his fingertip while looking at Glitch boringly.

"Either you become the Demon Lord that rules the world or become the abomination that was killed by a hero and avenged by yours truly," Devil declares. "This is the reason for your birth, and you'll stick with it. Now drink up before your father here loses his patience,"


Quick reminder - there was Sei's (System's) creator and Glitch's creator, Devil.

Mentioned back in V6 chapter 1.