Humanity Strikes Back Part 10

The world's cruel, may not be able to stay home Friday to finish this book.

That just means all-nighters to finish this story...

Goodbye sleep, I'll miss you.


"Die!" Mike shouts slashing down with Angel at Cain.

"Annoying," Cain spoke solemnly, 4 Shadow Devils appear before him, 1 small as an imp reaches out to stab Mike while the other 3 gather their energy to self-destruct.

The explosion would push Cain out of harm's way as his current best way to dodge, Switcheroo of the Shadow Devil, has just been neutralized.

#Devil's Shot#

Normally, with the numerous actions Mike had shown before their current status. Mike shouldn't be able to react any further than swinging his blade down. However, Angel and Devil were made for such occasions, being more efficient at firing attacks than himself.

All 4 Shadow Devils were killed, and now he needed to worry about not just a slash that carries Destructive energy, thereby preventing him from using his lance to block it without it destroying, but also a beam of Destructive energy with unknown hidden mental effects.

The lance he's holding is his spare version, Shadow Lance. Gae Dearg is currently attached to Gold's back.

On the bright side, Cain had already expected this situation.

#Gamma Ray#

The beam came down, effectively stopping both attacks. As for why it wasn't aimed at Mike despite being aware Mike can barely react to it, this is mostly due to his Instincts.

It worked the last time thanks to bait, a bait he doesn't have time to prepare. If it was aimed at Mike he would definitely find a way to dodge or worst neutralize it. The latter effect is something he doesn't want a possible occurrence to occur that did put him at a significant disadvantage. For a similar reason, he chooses not to use Order: Border too often.

#Shadow Call#

With the power of Shadows, he calls forth his Gae Dearg. In his hand along with the short inaction of Mike thanks to holding Angel tightly so that the weapon doesn't go flying down with Gamma Ray, Cain...

#Solar Blaze#

Sensing the change in his blade a step too late, Gae Dearg releases a brilliant shine of light. The light shined so bright it would've burned him to ashes if not for his last-second self-protection.

#Order: Border Coat#

Cain made the impossible possible, coating his skin in Border. Its thinnest may not be able to block a strong attack, however, its anti-rule property effectively helped him resist most of Solar Blaze's damage.


Gamma Ray had left their sight and now Cain had 2 choices, allow Gold's Recall to take back his weapon and use the last unreliable frames Mike may not be able to react to attack or counter Recall and leave himself open for an attack.

#Curse of Energy Rejection#

For obvious reasons, Gae Dearg wasn't fully anti-energy otherwise Gold nor he could use it nor insert traps on it.

Curse of Energy Rejection rejects the energy that Gold inserted into it preventing the Recall from occurring.

#Shadow Step#

Escaping in this battlefield through Shadow Step would've been impossible if Destructive Field still was around. Luckily, the ERROR Field has gotten rid of this.

The distance between the 2 separates immensely but this doesn't loosen Cain's guard at all.

#Destructive Step#

The distance between them was close to zero with Mike's Devil now aimed at his neck.

#Gamma Ray#

It may seem suicidal, but if he manages to kill Mike with him, it's 100% worth it.

'Tsk,' Clicking his tongue the 2 tactically separate at the same time.

#Shadow Step# #Destructive Step#

"Our battle will be legendary!" Mike shouts.

Thanks to Gold, 3 cards that could've somehow or the other led to Mike's death have been revealed. Gae Dearg, an anti-energy weapon, Gamma Ray, the fastest and strongest attack so far shown, and Order: Border Coat, an anti-rule defense.


Lightly gazing at Mike and Cain who was about to start a new heated battle, Gold had a happy smile adorn to her face.

'Finally, litten gets a chance at revenge,' She thought.

Her current enemies are 4, the 2 ERROR Pokemons, and AZ and Blue. She had purposely gotten the aggro of all of them so that Cain and Mike can fight fairly.

"You all should be able to test the limits of a human perfectly," Gold hums as she stares at AZ's predatory.

She's starting to get low on energy.


Speaking of running on low energy, Red for instance was getting exhausted. They were starting to lose.

How did this happen? They were doing perfectly fine, completely suppressing Gaia not long after she had limited broke. Numbers were on their side after all.

Together with the anti-evil properties of the Justice Quartet, and the firepower of Kyurem they should've won.

In fact, they had.

It was like a group of pro players gathering together to kill a boss monster, but when they finally got the boss's health to zero you learn that was only its first health bar and now you need to face the Stage 2 boss.

All her Younglings were dead, but she revived through her remnant energy, something they didn't expect and came back as a naked human girl futa. Her Younglings came back stronger than ever, and her tentacles came straight out from a hentai story.

It made one really feel the horror of fighting horror, what could happen with a possible defeat that is.

Red continues to fight expressionlessly, despite the internal worry for his Pokemons. They needed a change in this battle a change that could turn things around.

"Bond with me," Kyurem says.


"So, what do you think?" Giovanni asks mockingly.

Mewtwo had arrived and the 2 had Bond Evolution. Besides for a change in clothes and a tail behind him, there was no significant change.


An aura that could only be described as godly spread forth from Giovanni.

Giovanni will showcase the power Arceus didn't get a chance to showcase, something that perfectly deserved to be called a trump card.

"Interestingsss," Medusa says curiously as she stares at Giovanni.

"Now brace yourself for your inevitable defeat, Ouroboros Leader, Medusa," Giovanni announces arrogantly.

He has every right to be arrogant here, the only reason Arceus was reluctant to use Divinity was because of the emotions it would provide. A permanent sense of duty to protect one's believers.

The best description of Divinity would be... Anti-Rule entity.

Only with a high quantity of energy would some rules work against the user not to mention that even if it works the user more than likely can counter or negate it.

These rules include Laws, Type-energy, and even things like Kinetic energy.

Once used, in almost every sense the user becomes a god.