1- Reversal cultivation technique


Carl finally returned his gaze to his body...

He was wearing a bloodied robe that had previously been white, and his hair had also been bloodied; he suddenly remembered his recollections of this body...

"I'm 12 years old...

But I'm being pursued by everyone, even in this body and earth; it seems that the heavens genuinely despise me, huh...

I've already gone through everything a mortal can go through:

In my previous existence, I experienced joy as I climbed the ranks as an athlete. Anger when I realized how cruel the world was, continually looking for ways to murder me... Or when that first wife of mine deceived me... No... That b.i.tch wasn't my wife...

In my second life, I was always concerned and afraid of death, fearing that my soul's specialization would be lost...

Lust... In my prior life, I lusted after power since I wouldn't have survived that long without it... When it comes to women, they're all like males, but with a different physical structure; when they die, they're just bones. So why would I fall for something so inconsequential? In any case, I've had it as many times as I wanted in my previous life... The sensuous pleasures, only idiots would fall for that.

Well, I was a fool in my previous life since my adversary successfully deceived me with that woman... 

This life, however; fool me once, and I'll murder you; fool me again, and there's nothing after that. The only way to survive is to kill.

My dignity has already been trampled upon, since one must either be the best and feel their pride far up in the sky, or be the worst that even the worst trash would laugh at you...

Being either good or bad? What is the difference between good and bad? Who gets to make the decision in the first place? It's all decided by the heavens, which are firmly inscribed on the souls of mortals, because what should be good or evil is solely determined by them.

Well, since murdering is permitted in our world, no one knows if doing something other than killing is good or evil except what their reasoning states...

Now I'm fighting the heavens in this life, the next, and the one after that! It makes no difference how many times I die!

And now that I've tied this artifact to my soul, I'll continuously go against the heavens!"

Carl then began circulating the Devilish death Qi in his body as he began traveling in a certain direction to reach the next town—to advance his power, as it needed him to execute big blood sacrifice arrays to advance...

While he couldn't utilize mortals to move to higher realms, his cultivation was still in the mortal realm, thus sacrificing an entire town's worth of blood, flesh, and then their sorrow would be tempered to a large part as a deal made by the array—since the array absorbs their souls.

He thereafter headed to the town. But first, he needed to gather a few feathers and stones, the feather to write the specific phrases of the inscriptions on the stones, then scatter them around the town to begin the blood sacrifice and the array...

While he had knowledge of such means to refine in his previous existence, it never had such deals where it tempered the blood and flesh of others for their souls.


{A.N: The following paragraphs are info dumps. Sorry. But you could mark it somewhere, to remember the chapter where cultivation realms were mentioned.}


He learned about such arrays and many more such arrays through the artifact's inheritance, which would change the corpses into Devilish Death Qi and also new cultivation realms that were significantly different from the ones he had previously cultivated. When he used to cultivate, he followed the path of heaven. Although devilish, the realms were the same, and they were as follows:

The first realm, is the mortal realm. This is the realm of all mortals. Because mortals' lives were limited, they didn't care about anything other than spending as much time as possible with their loved ones; there is also an early, middle, late, and peak realm in terms of strength; defining their strength.

The mortal realm's rating is comparable to that of Earth's world-rank warriors, with the peak being the most a mortal could possibly attain without relying on Qi.

Cultivators, however, could easily enter this realm. They either utilize pills or train for a year or two to establish a solid foundation for when they begin cultivation correctly.

The second realm for cultivation is the Qi refining realm, which is the stage for individuals who have just begun cultivating. So, while they are classified as cultivators, they only employ Qi to fully refine their bodies...

In terms of what Qi is, it is a spirit energy found in the world that only people with cultivating talent can perceive. Mortals could spend their entire lives without producing a single speck of Qi to refine their bodies.

The third realm, Core formation realm, concentrates all of the refined Qi in the body into a golden core in the middle of the dantian.

There is a significant difference between cultivators who have a Golden Core and those who do not; cultivators in the Qi refining realm have Qi flowing around their bodies, but cultivators in the Core formation realm have a core in their bodies to store Qi.

As such, the amount varies greatly. Unless they open all meridians in the Qi refining realm to store the energy within; making it more difficult to reach the Core forming realm, there'd always be a vast difference between the late stage of the Qi refining realm and the early stage of the Core formation realm.

The fourth realm is the foundation establishment. It creates the core at the center of a structure, which is strengthened during the subsequent stages.

The future achievements of cultivators are based on this realm. Those that construct a larger structure—such as a room, a home, or even a castle—have a better chance of entering the future realms.

It is similar constructing a barrel and determining how much water it can hold. It could withstand being gradually turned into a tower-sized one. If the barrel breaks in the middle or reaches its limit, the water cannot be supported to higher realms. Similarly, the size of the water is important since it determines how powerful the cultivator in the same realm may be in terms of Qi quantity.

The fifth realm—Nascent soul—directs the soul through the three stages—infant, teen, and adult—until it resembles the current body's appearance. As it holds all of the refined Qi, the soul first shreds the whole structure developed together with the core.

This realm was also a significant setback for the majority of cultivators. To begin with, breaking through meant perceiving the soul, which was easier said than done. Furthermore, once they begin cultivating in this realm, the whole foundation—including the core within—will be changed into the Nascent soul. And, the higher the rank of the nascent soul, the more Qi is required to advance in the stages.

The sixth realm—King realm—creates a golden crown around the nascent soul with gems comprised of pure Qi energy. The gems seem like pillars on top of the crown. The purer the gems in the crown, the more ferocious the foundation laid for the next realm.

The seventh realm—Emperor realm—builds an empire's palace in the dantian, utilizing the pillars as a foundation. The amount of progress is determined by the size of the castle. It makes the hall within the palace the resting place for the nascent soul in the last stage—Throne Stage.

The eighth and last realm is immortal ascension, which involves surpassing the nine heavenly tribulations in order to ascend to the immortal plane, which is higher than the mortal plane.

The laws are included within the nine tribulations. The higher the stage in this realm, the better their affinity and understanding of the law.


That's all Carl could recall from his previous life, when he was still at the seventh realm—emperor realm in terms of power.

However, the realms he may now access or cultivate are significantly different from what he recalls from the past. The current world was the same as his second past life, but the item demanded that he cultivates in many more realms.

The current realms he'd inherited had been significantly modified, as it mentioned in the beginning, Devilish Qi, but then changed to Devilish Death Qi for some reason...

All prior cultivation realms were for regular cultivators, whether fiendish or righteous. Simply put, they were by cultivating in Heaven's way.

The following realms were entirely different from cultivating Heaven's way, since it needed him to cultivate additional cultivation realms:

The first cultivation realm, Devilish Death Qi condensation, necessitates sensing the Qi in the air and converting it into Devilish Death Qi that runs through the body—a bit similar to the Qi refining realm  for Heaven's way cultivators. However , in order to progress to the later stages, he must kill over 1,000 people in order to transform the Demonic Death Qi from their blood...

Body refining, the second cultivation realm, improves the body with the blood of those who have been killed. When he absorbs the blood of the people's bodies, that was full with bitterness, despair, and other 'negative' emotions that people tend to leave behind in their death, he receives far purer and denser blood and flesh that would temper his body in return from the array he would use.

Blood refining, the third cultivation realm, refines the blood with an increasing number of mortals. According to the artifact, he must ingest the flesh and blood of 100 children in order to gather rich blood that will purify his bloodline for future realms purposes.

The fourth cultivation realm, foundation hall, constructs a foundation out of the flesh and blood of 500 children and 1,000 pregnant mortal women. It is comparable to Heaven's way of structure, but significantly more sturdy in terms of stability.

It is also the last realm where the knowledge from the artifact ceased being transmitted, indicating that he cannot pursue the same cultivation way as heaven.

Mortals are used by the four realms. For the cultivation realms given by the artifact , the three initial cultivation realms merely symbolize the first cultivation realm for cultivators in Heaven's way . So he already anticipated how strong he'd be after he cultivated more realms...


He acquired a cultivation method called reversal cultivation. It was divided into two branches. The first one transforms Qi in the air, or whatever the heavens provide cultivators to cultivate to higher realms, into devilish death qi strands. It was also Carl's main cultivation method that he used previously, as the second branch permits him to cultivate from mortal blood and progress in the realms ahead.

He further discovered that it was only because he possessed a portion of the nefarious devil's bloodline on his soul that he was able to effectively fuse the artifact with his soul, so initiating the inheritance from it.



Note: Devilish death Qi is the same as demonic death Qi—BUT for Carl that is.

Because Death Qi is added, it doesn't matter which type it is, devilish or demonic. Both are the same when combined with death qi.