6- The two children


Carl followed them as they departed, making sure to obscure himself by using his spiritual energy in such a way that he was invisible to the rest of the world. It enabled him to conceal past anyone's senses in this world; however, it had a major drawback in that he could only utilize it for 20 minutes until his spiritual energy ran out, since the energy that cultivates the soul in this world is practically non-existent. Nonetheless, exceedingly small threads could be seen being sent to his soul, hinting that recovering it would take at least three days.

He only used it when he was close enough to them since he was aware of the expense. Following that, with an excited grin, he grabbed the knife (that he had brought with him from the orphanage) and began making his way forward to both of them, while his race's instincts, along with his crazy sadism that had grown with him in his previous life, began to kick in, making him subconsciously lick his lips.

( Gruesome scenes start )


He then slit both of their voice chords before they could say anything. They were both so afraid that they wet their pants...

Carl seemed to transform into a completely new person, with a wicked grin on his face and a constant licking of his lips. When he saw the blood coming out of their throats, he subconsciously licked the blood on the knife.

He then made a small array with both his blood and theirs' , and 1/3 of his spiritual energy - that would make anyone that enters see nothing out of the ordinary..

The following actions he would be doing were surely a frowned upon practice for everyone—fiend cultivators included.

After his reincarnation in his second life, Carl wasn't so naive anymore. But his character nonetheless grew by the constant hardships the heavens offered him.

All he did previously was merely for his own survival. The heavens didn't want him to live, not get stronger. At first, he wanted a peaceful life until he died of old age.

However, after figuring out he would never be able to do so for some reason, he chose the way he could survive.

Slowly, he went down the path of fiend/evil cultivators, and didn't care about anyone's thoughts about him.

He was disgusted at first for doing such actions. But thinking it through, it wasn't that much of a problem.

After all, to him, the rules such as cannibalism, were pointed by the heavens to mortals, so they would frown upon it no matter which society they were.

He was already against these 'rules', why not go all out? By doing so, he slowly got accustomed to eating flesh, and actually started enjoying it.

Slowly but surely, he got corrupted into... having fun torturing even innocents; those who didn't even have a hand in his sufferings.

He knew he was insane, but he blamed the heavens for it. Were it not for their existence, after all, he would still merely be on his first life.

His current sadism was out of his pure character that reeked of madness after deciding to challenge the heavens.


Back to the scene.. He gazed at their hands and then began nibbling on the boy's left arm. He was slowly but steadily eating it, evidently relishing the flavor of the flesh and sipping the blood that was trapped within it.

The child believed that death would be a better ending for him, so he attempted suicide by biting his tongue...

Carl looked to be aware of his plans, and severed his tongue immediately to relish the agony of his prey...

Meanwhile, the girl collapsed as she watched Carl devouring her brother's flesh. She mistook him for a beast in human form, because cultivators, much less fiend cultivators, did not exist in this world.

Carl then gradually slid from one arm to the other, then to his legs, until there was nothing but his chest and head.

He sighed as he watched how the child had already died, going to his right arm; as the cut through his threat managed to slowly kill him till he died...

He then kept chomping on the remainder of his body, including bones, as he advanced to his heart and gently penetrated it with one of his nails—since the talent dwelt there. He carefully swallowed the blood in there while channeling the boy's talent.

He then ate his brain and finished with a lick of his lips, licking around everything, without missing even a single drop of blood.

He then beat the girl up to reawaken her awareness, but she, too, appeared to be dead from the throat cut.

He merely grumbled, shook his head, and munched on her body as he did the boy. Until he eventually ate her brain, then advanced to her heart to extract and devour her talent.


( Gruesome scenes end )

'Oh, it was amazing! That was a delectable feast. I haven't' eaten' in a long time. Sigh, it's making me want to 'eat' even more, but I should resist...

Now for the robes... Let's leave them there so that whoever is supporting them shows up and knows where they're going to die so as not to cause a stir in this empire...'

After that, he exited the street, which had two robes laying on it with not a single drop on them...


Meanwhile, in the garden, two individuals were seen standing next to each other, conversing with a frown on their faces, "Could it be that something happened to both of them...?" The woman inquired of the man in front of her.

She didn't get to continue her sentence because she was interrupted by the man who yelled at her, "Impossible! Nobody would dare to insult them, let alone murder them! After all, these are the Vieth family's children!

We're as powerful as the royal family! You're aware that we're a hidden family. The royal family has agreed to no assassinations on either of our sides—the hidden families and the royal family. So that can't possibly be them!"

The woman frowned as she realized the hidden meaning behind his words: "You mean other noble families or hidden families, in order to start a conflict amongst us?" But why would they do such a thing? They all know we never showed any interest in anything, and our children are simply interested in cultivating to the minor Knight and then becoming illiterates, so why?" She was confused since they had no intention of surpassing the royal family or any other families.

"I'm not sure, but let's look around here before we draw any judgments." The man said this before frantically searching around for both of his children.


They then arrived at the street where Carl had 'eaten' both of them, only to find both of their children's clothing scattered around. So, frowning, they searched the streets, only to discover that there was no trace of them anywhere.


Carl was oblivious of the harm he'd done to one of the hidden families on his first day. He was still perplexed since he realized that his talent had improved significantly only after absorbing the worth of two children. But he didn't stop to think about it as he casually began cooking his dinner—real food this time.