12- Conflict (I)



Although Carl wasn't aware of such matters happening in the background, he wasn't careless --! as in his previous life he had to at least make one backup plan in case things failed to what he planned.

He already knew about the two seats' background, as he always sensed people protecting them from afar that varied in strength.

As he was sitting in the 2nd seat, he was suddenly approached by a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his fifties.

He had senses him coming long ago, but he didn't do much, as he had a plan made up for any sudden case that would occur.

For instance, he might be assassinated but no one would pay much attention to him -- as even though he indeed was a genius, he would be a threat to others if he showed too much as a genius; thus, it would only be normal if he were to be successfully assassinated if he were to show his current strength.

The current world's power system was three levels -- minor knight, apprentice knight and High knight.

So Carl already being in the late stages of the apprentice knight realm is terrifying for his age, therefore even clan leader characters can go for him to interrogate him about explosive growth, to help their clan members to grow further.

Which he already knew; thus, just in case some unexpected matters were to happen, he always made backup plans.

As for the backup blan, he made a special place that was designated as an inheritance of an old expert that left behind his knowledge for the future generations.

But its location can't be found by anyone -- of course he had made an array to hide it from the outside world -- as even if someone passed by it, they wouldn't see it nor sense it.

As for how he could use such powerful array -- it was obviously knowledge provided by the artifact, as even in his past life he can't afford to use such arrays carelessly.

The array's function was pretty simple yet complicated at the same time. It hid from the outside world, so no one even the peak high knight powerhouses couldn't sense it.

The complicated part was it having many complicated lines -- that took even Carl -- many days of failure until he was finally able to succeed. As for how arrays functioned and made, that would he a story for another day.

The array had high energy requirements, but since this world didn't have the energy that the array require, Carl used his spiritual energy for exchange for it.

But although it might seem a lot in term of normal energy requirements, the energy to spiritual energy conversion ratio was 10:1, thus he could handle it.

Though That left him being able to use only 50% of his spiritual energy, but that didn't matter as much as the array.

Therefore, after Carl feels that his strength had been somehow discovered, he can deactivate the array, which he left some personal trails in it for others to connect the dots -- thus making it seem that Carl took the inheritance, that in turn made his prowess grow explosively.


Back to the real world(I)

Although Carl was calm inwardly, he still had to keep the facade of a kid outwardly.

Thus, he still had an expression that had calm expression, but if one could glance at his face more, they would see an expression that was mix of worry and nervousness.

After the middle-aged man saw his expression, his expression turned to that of a hunter eyeing its prey.

'Hehehe, this commoner would be easily dealt with, and I can go back to the clan and get rewards for my actions!' The middle-aged man licked his lips as he glanced at Carl.

Carl pretended to shudder after he saw his expression, but he was inwardly thoughtful' What would happen if he were to disappear? Hmm, I'll make the trails link to the first or second seat's backers? Although they've done nothing to do with me....'

He seemed hesitant, but then a cold light flashed through his eyes that made the middle-aged man shudder. As he thought 'Those eyes... What am I scared of? A brat who's not even in the apprentice realm?' He then shook his head as he threw those thoughts in the back of his head, though he would later regret not backing down when he had the choice...

Back to Carl...

'But so what? In this world, strength reigns supreme. If they were in my shoes, wouldn't they do the same? Put the blame on me so they avoid damage?' He kept thinking for several few seconds...

Before he stopped as he realized he was thinking of sparing them, as he inwardly burst out laughing as he thought 'I, Carl, think of sparing my opponents' lives? Who would believe that if it was told to them in my previous life? Enough nonesense, if there were any obstacles in my paths, I shall eliminate them!

My goal is the heavens! Even if I fail to slaughter them in this life, I shall always be a nefarious devil, against the heavens, and do my best to slaughter them even if it takes millions of reincarnations!'

After he finished his thoughts, unbeknownst to him; a Gate from his body had been unleashed, though he wouldn't know that until he reaches the 9 Mortal Gates...

It had unknown gains to his body, though mostly his soul; but they weren't much as the true beneficial gates were the divine gates, which Carl couldn't even think of right now...


Back to the real world (II)

The middle-aged man came towards Carl as he spoke directly to him, though it was an indirect voice transmission to avoid others from hearing them.

He thought that Carl wouldn't know such things, as he was barely at the apprentice knight realm and he needed to be at least at the minor knight realm to achieve it...

The voice transmission was just using the energy that trains the body in an indirect way -- as it manipulated it and sent it to an ear to 'temper' it.

It was a known technique that would be known to knights as information transmitted to their brains once they reach the minor knight realms.

The middle-aged wanted to use this technique to show that he was an extremely powerful expert, to scare him off even at the beginning of their conversation-- to subdue the enemy without fighting.

Though that naturally wouldn't scare Carl, as he sneered inwardly when he received the voice transmission, but he still needed to go through with him, so he outwardly did show a scared expression...