14- Incident between the ##### races (I)

Afterward, things went on as every tournament would continue -- until the very end of the tournament when the results were announced.


"The tournament has reached an end, thus the results of it will be announced tomorrow morning. As for the departure for the imperial academy; it'll be a week from now when the studies start." A voice was transmitted to all the participants -- including the empress and her little princess that was with her...


Time passed by, and it was soon night time.

On a specific room, there was only darkness.

But if one were to focus on a specific spot, they would see a very faint red light floating on a young man's body -- which was glowing more and more until it illuminated the whole room...

The young man was naturally Carl, who was close to a breakthrough after experiencing an event earlier that made his will grow, thus making the bottleneck he'd been on loosen...


A few hours ago, after Carl dealt with the elder, he went to his way back room; to continue his cultivation.

But as he was going, Carl's body trembled. He could feel a dominant pressure enter his body.

He felt extreme pain all over his soul, as he glanced up in the sky where he saw an island suddenly appear in this world...

He saw a huge 100 meters long creature; tranquil flickering eyes sit delicately within the creature's rounded, bony skull, which gives the creature a terrifying looking appearance.

One major horn sit atop its head, just above its thin, round ears.

A row of neat tendrils runs down the sides of each of its jaw lines.

Its nose is long and has two long, pointy nostrils and there's a tendril on its chin.

Various rows of large teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and reveal only a fraction of the terror hiding inside.

A thin neck runs below from its head and into an enormous body. The top is wrapped in coarse skin and a crystal ridge runs down its spine.

Its bottom is covered in small scales and is colored darker than the rest of its body. Two muscular limbs carry its body and allow the creature to stand poised and intimidating.

Giant wings rise starting from its shoulders and end at the end of its shoulder blades.

The wings are bat-like, the edges of the skin inside the wings are tattered and damaged and small, sharp tips grow from each ending like massive spears.

Its flat tail ends in a scythe-like blade and is covered in the same coarse skin as its body.

It was a gigantic dragon, that resided on top of the island...

The dragon suddenly opened its mouth as large amount of fire was sent towards a creature that was slowly showing from the sky...

After the breath was sent, large quantity of dragons appeared beside it, who had the same portrayal of it, but didn't look as intimidating as it -- who were prepared to fight something...

Two eager eyes stared at the dragon with a glacial resentment, and a howl of rage from its serrated mouth in an incomprehensible voice.

A bunch of fur endows its chunky skull, which itself is covered in small holes.

A fowl breath escapes the demon's expansive nostrils set within a beak-like nose.

Its bulky head sits atop a low, skeletal body.

Dark, smoking characters cover its chest, giving the creature an ancient vibe.

The demon darted towards the dragon, its two legs calmly carry its body with a restless energy.

A skeletal tail moves behind it, illusional scorch marks are left on the sky whenever it moves.

Two bony wings extend themselves fully. Skin covered bones, and ragged membranes stretch upward to make the creature seem even more intimidating.

The demon's hands suddenly raised as it flicked its finger, before slowly making the flame disappear from existence, and large amount of other similar demons appeared beside it as well...

"What's the meaning of this, ##### Dragon Race? We've been in peace for the last billion years, yet you're suddenly attacking us, demons for no apparent reason?" The demon growled as the many demons who were beside him got in a fighting stance, preparing to fight the dragons as well...

"You've violated the regulations of the contract, thus making us, the ##### dragon race fight against your ##### demon race to death no matter the consequences." The large dragon replied in a nonchalant matter, before motioning towards the other dragons to start fighting...


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