16- Incident (III)[Finale]


On the ####### dimension of the ####### devil race, there could be seen a pair of bug-eyed eyes staring down on the room that it was present on from their broad sockets.

A crooked nose rests below, but it's the ordinary mouth below that takes all the attention.

A creepy smile uncovers two dull canines and a wide tongue.

Tiny round ears sit on each side of its huge, squared skull, which was made out of energy, and had illusional two thin horns bulging from the sides fur.

Its tall lean illusion body stands straight. Two average arms dangle at its sides and end in narrow hands with small fingers, each with normal nails.

Its legs are short and stand straight, each ending in large feet.

Everything in its body was made out of energy, as even its looks were illusional.

"So, little Carl. This is the umpteenth timeline in that little dimension of yours where you kept reincarnating over and over, but failed to even ascend to the immortal plane.

Now let's do it my way instead of yours." It then suddenly stopped as it waved its illusionary hands in a weird shape, before saying: "Thine seal shall be removed by thy, the primordial ####### devil."

The energy around the creature suddenly shook, as it was sent in a certain direction; before it poured in Carl's body, healing him in the process and removing the curse from him.

The energy was extremely small and insignificant -- just at the level of High Knight realm power.

Although there were indeed restrictions placed on them, the energy he sent to Carl was something too trivial to mess with anything -- and as the venerable ###### transcendent interfered with many people's faith, it led the world, and even the dimension where Carl was in in chaos; thus it had no time to even notice the little amount of energy that went to Carl.

"How many timelines have passed? Well time difference between this dimension and yours naturally differ greatly; so there's no point of thinking about it.

Now what happened would make your growth fasten a lot, as you'll experience many life and death moments where you'd think you'd die, thus doing your best on them.

It'll also make you unlock higher percentage of our bloodline, maybe even more than mine...

As for the timelines, if they repeat themselves on that dimension, you'll always be like 'even if I die, what am I gonna be afraid of? I'll just reincarnate again and grow stronger.' But you keep on reincarnating until you give up, making this the best method to truly make you reach this dimension.

And learn of the truth, you'll be extremely thankful for what happened this day..."


Back in the real world, in the night...

Unbeknownst to any of the parties present though, even the venerable ###### transcendent looking everything, the entire plan failed as the primordial ####### devil knew everything, and even used it to his advantage...

As for Carl, he found himself back in his room where he found his body without injuries, which was weird; but weirdly enough he didn't think too much of it...

Carl sighed at how insignificant he truly was in the grand scheme of things. His little achievements so far are truly triviality. His pursuit of one day being unrestricted by the heavens, by pursuing the End of all cultivation and beyond has merely begun.

So, he warned himself to never be arrogant for any of his so-called "attainments".

Therefore, he freed his mindset as be had this thought -- ' It doesn't matter whether I lose today or not; but once I'm stronger than you, I'll repay you a hundred fold, no a thousandfold!' Carl's eyes turned blood-red for a second -- unbeknownst to him he'd managed to successfully make killing intent fuse with his will...

But that didn't mean he could use it along with his will, it still required him to reach a certain realm before he could use the fusion...


Night passed, and it was soon replaced by day.

As Carl woke up from his cultivation session, he could see the bottleneck loosened a lot -- as he could now step info the late stages of the minor knight realm if he wanted to...

But he stopped as he remembered his true purpose on this world -- making his bloodline purer by this world's energy, by absorbing more and more powerful bodies that had high knight cultivation; therefore he left his cultivation on due until his bloodline purified to a certain extent...

He then got up, as he left for the tournament.

The entire world didn't know the events that transpired -- as only due to him being an outsider of this world, and the battle being related to him, could he remember what happened.

Afterward, the announcements were soon made...

The first spot was a girl while the third spot was a boy, so they stayed in their compound; cultivating until they leave for the imperial academy.