Ill-Met By Moonlight

"What is Ah Yun looking at?" 

Liu Yao's words were a low whisper, almost drowned out by the revelry around them but Yan Zheyun didn't miss the slight note of petulance in them and it made a small smile play on his lips. If someone had told him months ago that the emperor had this almost childish, possessive side to him that he tried his best to keep under wraps, Yan Zheyun would have dismissed it without a second thought. 

It felt nice though. Gave him the reassurance that he wasn't replaceable by another pretty face, especially since His Majesty was surrounded by so many. 

He leaned casually back into Liu Yao's touch, the arm that had snaked around his waist tightening its grip once before it pulled a cushion closer for Yan Zheyun to recline against. "Your new principal graduate is an interesting young man."