Practical Exam Part 1

After talking for a bit longer Chris raised his hand telling everyone to be quiet for a moment as he had something to say, "Now that I have explained this to everyone I think it's about time we set the rankings for my classroom. This will also be considered a practical exam on your grades so all of you need to try your best. I don't care how long you have had your class or how long you have practiced your abilities. I want to see who is stronger than who in this room. We will be going to the same arena that the exam was held on so please be there in 10 minutes." Chris said as he began walking out of the room leaving everyone to rush after him.

Kaden was no different as he quickly stood up from his seat and began running to catch up with Chris. He didn't expect that there would be a practical exam on the very first day of class. In fact, he didn't expect anything like this until a few months into school!