Powering Up

As Shelly was recovering from the pain in her palm that had just shown up from a certain ability the crack that was above the teacher got larger and larger with each boom from something above.

While what the teacher said about calming down may have worked before the cracks it for sure wasn't now and the entire bunker was in complete chaos as students began to run and leave out the nearest door hoping to not get trapped inside.

The teacher in question on the other hand was trying to put on a brave face and said, "DON'T WORRY STUDENTS! THIS BUNKER IS MEANT TO HOLD AGAINST THE MIGHT OF RANK-" Before the teacher could say the rank of the beasts the bunker defended against the ceiling caved in causing a huge crash to happen within the bunker. Luckily only one part of the ceiling caved in resulting in Kaden and his group still being able to leave but the teachers and some students were not so lucky as they were crushed by the cave in.