New Feeling

Kaden attacked the clown slicing at his hip making it where he couldn't duck or stay where he was so the clown did the move that they had now seen multiple times as he jumped above Kaden's scythe.

While he was in the air he was quickly intercepted by Sky as she sliced her daggers at the back of the clown. The clown feeling the presence behind him shot fire from his arms in her direction forcing himself to fly in the air away from Sky but the fire in the arm that was injured previously was less powerful which made the clown fly off at an odd angle.

As he tried to fix himself in the air Ashly's orbs and Shelly's tridents went straight at the clown making him quickly use his remaining fire in his feet to shoot himself quickly away from the attacks but right as he was flying for the second time he was shot straight in the chest barely missing his heart.