I knew that you knew that I knew that you knew I knew that I knew, shut up! I knew that you knew I would know that you would say shut up! Shut up!
24. Black Twig
“What exactly is a catamaran?” Keisha had asked.
"It's a class of a boat."
"If you have the patience, maybe you would describe to a lay person more about it," she had suggested.
She had accosted this skipper on a gray evening on the banks of the widenening Swan River on its way to Fremantle and the Indian Ocean. The sun was setting. It apoeared as a ball of dull orange in the west, getting into its sheath. Why she chose him when others were milling all over she didn't know. It was the same reason some cook chose a fish to buy from a dozen fish sellers. That was how customers were drawn to suppliers without reference to a marketing team.