If indeed the force of gravity is lighter on the Moon than on Earth, it means that if we lived on it:-
(a) There would be no aeroplanes. They would fly out of obit.
(b) The Russian S-400 missile defence system wouldn't work except if they launched it towards Jupiter.
(c) There would be no stealth bomber for the USAF. It would lift off and crash on earth.
(d) North Korea wouldn't rattle nerves with another test missile. It would land right back where it had taken off some years later.
Ooops, it would just float back after burn off in outer space.
(e) At least you can hop away from your poop or tears for that matter.
(f) And the Four Gorges or Grand Canyon wouldn't work. The water would fall at less speed towards the generating plants.
(g) Water skiing would send plumes of water ten metres up. It would take ions to settle back.