Chapter Nineteen; Her Punishment

Imogen gulped down uncomfortable and disengaged from the hug. Edward looked at her confused as she pushed him back.

"What happened? Did I startle you with the sudden hug? I am sorry, I was just too happy" He apologized sincerely, while Imogen gazed at him surprised.

He treats her different like she matters and her heart loves it. But why does she still feel uncomfortable around him? "It is alright, I was just a little scared being in that position with you"

Edward stared at her sad and disappointed "Why are you scared? Because you belong to Simon?" Imogen could see the sadness in his eyes and that makes her a bit unhappy.

"That isn't it, am scared because of you. Your title, what if anyone sees us like this? I don't want any trouble for you, especially with my master" Imogen bit on her lower lips, deeply worried about him.

He could see that, and nothing makes him happier. But it is wrong, being this happy around her is wrong? After finding out she belongs to her cousin, he was to stay away from her, any reasonable and normal person will, that was the rule. However, he chose not to do it, he has been looking for her all this while. He can't just let her go, because she belongs to her cousin.

No, he won't care. He likes her, and seeing her makes him happy. That is enough, he won't expect more from her, but he won't hide his feelings from her too.

"Am glad you were worried about me?" He said while Imogen smiled shyly.

He can do that, right? Express his feelings for her without expecting anything in return.

Carter entered the room to see his master putting on his red robe, and awake. His eyes lightened as he approached him "You are awake, why aren't you in bed? Your fever?" He said and touch his forehead to check his temperature.

Simon removed his hand from his forehead and shook his head at his behaviour "One might think you are my wife, my fiancee won't be this worried for me" He teased while Carter glanced at him angrily.

"Do I mean nothing to you, how could you not call me when you know you weren't feeling well? I am your guard, I should be protecting you, I should be the first person to know if you are in danger" He snapped at Simon, making him surprised.

Simon looked at Carter in disbelief before he finally speak "You still remember that am your lord, right?" He said while Carter cleared his throat saying nothing.

"I am really alright, and also you don't have to bring the physician. If you bring the physician for every little thing, then people might start to see me as a weakling" He said as those words remain in his head.

A coward, a monster, a weakling. Yes, he might be a monster but he will never accept being a weakling. He is anything but a coward.

Carter nod his head like a kitten to Simon's words, he was really worried when he saw him two nights ago, his whole body was sweaty and he was hot.

Simon completely put on his robe and faced carter. "Did anything happen while I was unconscious? I am sure that everyone was glad that I was sick and they were probably hoping I don't wake up"

"I made sure that only the physician and few guards I trust know that you were ill. Everyone else thought you were busy with work, and also..." Carter stopped his words, making Simon curious about what he was about to say.

"Also what? Did someone get hurt? Perhaps is it that slave Imogen?" He asked, worried and scared.

"Nothing happened to anyone, but it is about her..." He paused "What you ordered me to find out? I interrogated his servant Marcellus and found out that young master Edward met someone on the day he came to the castle. From what I heard from his servant, he met a girl at a bookstore, and they created some bond there. Since then, young master Edward has been looking for her, and also her name Is Imogen" He reported, nervousness works its way through his mind after he was done with his explanation.

He wondered if he did the right thing, putting Aria's friend in trouble. But not saying things, also means betraying his master.

Simon chuckled, not saying anything. He wasn't certain what he was feeling right now, anger, betrayal, jealousy. Did they dare to lie to him, why? Did they think he won't discover?

"Is that all, there is nothing more going on between them?"

"Apart from young master Edward looking for her, that is all the servant know," Carter said and his gaze looked up to his master's eyes, and what he saw scared him.

There is no doubt someone will get hurt.

Simon clenched his fist as those words from his nightmares rang back into his head "She will never love you, she can't love you"

"Carter, I want you to get me that slave" He smirked wickedly.

"Which slave? Imogen?"

"Yes, and Isabella. It seems like I have been easy on my new slave, I should let her fear me, that way she won't dare think of lying to me or think about anyone else. That way, she will know that I am her master not the other way" His eyes screamed so much anger and coldness.

"I will inform Poppy to bring them to your room" Carter replied.

Excitement blazed in his eyes "No, have the guards drag Imogen here. Her punishment has already started, we shouldn't make it easy for her. But tell them to be careful, not to harm her, they just need to inflict fear on her"

Carter stared at him with fear, at this moment, even he can't stop his master. But he still wondered why he didn't kill her immediately, and just want to punish her.

Whenever it comes to that slave, his lord is always reluctant about what to do with her. Is this a good sign?


Imogen hummed a song as she walked with Aria with the laundry in their hand, back to their room. She has a bright smile on, which got Aria looking at her suspiciously.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Aria cautioned and Imogen turned to her.


"Did something good happen, you have been like this for some days? It is weird, are you hiding something from me?"

"What are you talking about? What could I possibly be hiding from you? It isn't like it is a sin to be happy or smile again" Imogen answered, nervous that her friend might find out the reason for her happiness.

Aria sighed "I envy you, you can smile brightly, even though we don't know when we might end up getting killed in this hell," She said not hiding her jealousy.

Imogen glanced at her pitiful 'That is right, both her and Sir carter stopped talking and it is all because of me' She thought, but still glad that they stopped talking, Imogen doesn't think that Carter is the right match for Aria, and also if their master finds out. The one that gets the most punishment is Aria, not Carter

"Wait, is that not Sir Carter" Imogen called Aria's attention to Carter who was with a few men behind him.

Aria looked at him and was filled with sadness instantly, "Why is he here?"

Carter and his men came to a stop in front of them, he looked at Aria then at Imogen.

"Take her" He ordered and his men seized Imogen and the laundry in her hand dropped, along with Aria's.

"What is this about? Where are you talking to me?" Imogen challenged confused.

A man bring a knife out and placed it at her neck "If you don't want to die, then follow us calmly" He threatened and Imogen stopped struggling with them, instead she was trembling.

"Take her away" Carter ordered and his men took off with Imogen.

"Where are they taking her?" Aria questioned carter.

"It is none of your business, you should stay out of this. Don't do anything and just stay in your room"

"What? Imogen is my friend, you are asking me to say nothing. Did the master ask them to drag her to him, no I'll just go to him" Aria said wanting to follow the guards that took Imogen, but Carter held her hand, stopping her?

"And what are you going to do?"

"Beg him to leave Imogen alone, she is still young. Whatever he wants to do with Imogen, he can do it with me instead" Aria said but that only got Carter angrier.

"There is nothing you can do" He yelled at her, then lowered his voice. Aria looked at him shocked, this is the first time she saw him this angry.

"He doesn't want you, what he wants is her. Only her, even if you beg him, he won't listen to you. It will only put you in danger, and I can't have that" He said but Aria doesn't look like she cares.

"Then I should just watch him break her, let her fall into the hands of her predator until he will have no choice but to discard her after he is done with her. I should wait till then, is what you want me to do?"

"You are right, lord Simon is the predator and she is his prey. That is why you should stay out of it" He said with affection beaming in his eyes, he released her hand and caressed her cheeks, but Aria slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me, you are just the same with your lord. The two of you are monster who only cares about yourself" Aria snapped out, not caring whether he is hurt by her harsh words.

Carter slowly moves away from her, hurt by her words. "You are right, I am a monster but still I don't want to see you hurt. Please, just listen to me and stay in your room" He said while Aria bit hard on her lower lips.

He is right, there is nothing she can do. She will only make things worst, by going to their master.

"I will stay in my room" She replied while Carter sighed relieved.

He turned to leave but stopped "The one who is broken isn't your friend, no she is the one breaking him" He stated and walked away, leaving Aria in confusion.