Chapter Twenty-eight; A Ruler Doesn't Share

She laid her back on the green grass, spreading her arms on it. Enjoying the beautiful view of the blue sky, and the soothing song of the birds.

She felt so happy than she has ever been, it has been hours since she sneaked out of her house since she abandoned her maid and Johnny. And since she has been with him, the mysterious man that she's told almost everything about her, but yet knows so little about him.

All he's told her is how unhappy his family is. However, it is funny how she'd quickly trusted him and smiled at his words. She found happiness in someone that she's just met today.

They discussed many topics and found out they had a lot of things in common. Most importantly their love for nature.

Freya feels so much more joy than she has ever felt in her nineteen years of life. She feels alive, happy, and at the same time sad.