
The castle was in sight. The castle whose appearance nor the magic that permeated it, had not changed, and yet everything was. I could not have imagined, as far as my imagination could go, that this place where not so long ago I was welcomed as a friend, a greeting and an equal, and from which I left, my heart so light despite the almost insurmountable hardships that awaited me for having seen, or rather believed, how much Seiran could have been loved by such good people, rulers of wisdom and courage, actually held within him the source of this evil that so agonized half the magical world.

"Oh Seiran, what have they done to you."

I shook my head, as I made my way to the mansion that had been such a haven, my gaze icy and unforgiving.

"To them either, to those people who dared to claim to love you so loudly and pretended to give you the help you so desperately needed in the quest for what you wanted more than anything, I will never forgive them."