"Matter of fact, change your ways David unless you want to meet the other side of me continue harassing her," James added 

"Anna cut that call or I will break that same phone"

"What's with you David, ok I will end the call" I said as he got his safety shoe ready to break my phone, but James spoke

"Annastasia wait! David, go ahead break the phone, And I will definitely Buy another one before you know it" With James on the speaker, I saw David cracking, shaking. He quietly took the phone and looked at me while cutting the call, for the first time I saw the gentleness in David, but I couldn't ignore the fact that I was never into him anymore, I couldn't picture it but that was a new version of a man who was constantly abusing me.

"Anna, this guy if he has never told you that he loves you, yes he does" he softly said with these words I felt something like my heart skip a beat and something like confused.

"What are you saying?"

"Anna, I love you, but I cannot be selfish because of your beauty, no man has ever stood up to challenge what am capable of, but this your James guy has given me courage to tell you that you don't really know me, I was doing all that so that you can leave me, the truth is, I'm Married" he calmly explained...

"Whaaaaat?" That was the only word that came out of me; I couldn't help it but cry out loudly...

"I am sorry..."

"David just gerrout," I said on top of my voice

"Ok, no need to raise your voice, am going" he said

"Yes, just gerrout, I don't ever want to see you here or anywhere near me, just go" I said in a soft voice.

When David left, I called Shirah over, she came in no time since I brief her why I needed her. She came in without knocking and locked the door behind her, she quietly sat in front of me, I could tell she was feeling sorry and she wanted to hear the whole story,

"Wait a minute, I don't want to tell the same story more than once" I said

"What do you mean?" Shirah asked

"Do you have more than enough airtime?" I asked her

"I guess so, what are you trynna do?"

"Copy this line and call James."

"Ok... it's ringing"

"Ok, put it on loud"

"Ok" and in a short time, James's voice came through

"Hello James speaking may I know who this is?"

"Oh, James it's me!" I said in a sobbing voice

"Annastasia? Are you crying? wait! did he beat you? and Whose line is this?"

"It Shirah's I called her after David left, and you on loudspeaker if you don't mind"

"Oh, there okay, Shirah, how is you?"

"Am ok James and you?" Shirah replied

"I will only be fine when my friend Annastasia gets better, dear, what happened?" James asked, then I cried even more before I explained everything to them and when I did, Shirah started giving David names as James was just agreeing with her, I noticed Shirah was focused on making James laugh and it was working, but I was not comfortable with it, so I asked Shirah to bring me something to eat, and when I remained there I told James to call him later or early in the morning and deleted his line from Shirah's phone. I did understand my actions, but I knew I was only doing what anyone in my shoes would do, when you starving and they have denied you food, yet you know there is food waiting for you in the fridge, would you give any of your friend's access to where the food is? Can you? I guess no...

She walked in with a plate of rice well prepared.

"I'm not hungry" I said

"No baby girl, at least you test and tell me the spice I used"

"No girlfriend, have lost appetite"

"I understand but try to eat a little, Ok I will feed you"

"No, just take me out, I want to get drunk that's all" I said

"No no no no, we are not going anywhere, just eat"

"No, my friend, I think there is a bottle of whisky I was given on my birthday"

"Anna don't do that to yourself"

"Are you going to sit there or join me?"

"No, I am not joining you, tomorrow we are going for work"

"I wish I cared about that," I said as I got the bottle and opened, the first sips were bitter until,

"You know what, I have been scared to open this because I didn't think I need beer in my life, but hey, it's making me wants more of it"

"Anna takes it easy"

"Hey, Shirah, it says Not to be consumed by anyone aged 18 and below, now I've been over that a long time ago" at that point I knew I was passing out slowly until...

In the Morning, I woke up and wondered what happened, Shirah already left for work, there were missed calls from James, David and Shirah, then a text from her.

"Oh, this is bad," I thought, I read Shirah's text which she said that I should take my time going for work, but I had to hurry anyway.