Waiter Literature

"Craziest kid on the dance floor; what did you find?"

I couldn't help hanging around while running next to our tank. I was having fun before the possible bad news.

"Stop juggling now; come here. Look what this thing looks like!"

At first, I thought our tank would cause trouble, but the sight of the place we approached step by step would impress me.

"Brother, I think this is a dungeon entrance!"

It was probably too much; a ledge stood above the shield, separating the second layer from the outside. It was as if the space we were in had entered the area we were in by extending forward from the large mass to which it was attached.

The color of the curtain was dark red from the light it had. I was not mistaken; this must have been a dungeon entrance.

"Let's try to get in, see what happens?"

I was going to do as I said, based on my previous shielding experience, not my arm and leg; I would first slap my fingers on the light curtain blocking the entrance.