Less Than, Much More

"Wow, you dirty bastards!"

As Sukrucuk raised his hand, he lowered it to the table, and the plates flew up. At the same time, the woman we rescued in the glacier was wiping her tears.

"I don't mean to pierce your pain, Elenora, but did we get it right? These guys cut your party down one by one?"

The woman standing right in front of me was a white-skinned person with long black hair that looked in her mid-thirties. Elenora had told her story in such bits and pieces that I had to confirm it again.

"Yes, there were six of us when we came to town. The first days were not bad, but when we ran out of money, that's when we fell into their trap. They were friendly; from our accommodation money to help us with our assignments, they always held our hand!"

Multiple tear lines were running down the woman's face, and she paused to drink the water from Rimel beside her.