EXT. PARKSIDE — NIGHT The Bat-pod RACES straight at the Joker's truck- FIRES A HARPOON at the Joker's truck- it IMPACTS low, below the bumper- INT. TRUCK — CONTINUOUS The Joker's Thug DUCKS, then comes back up, beaming. JOKER'S THUG He missed 1 EXT. PARKSIDE — CONTINUOUS Batman SWERVES past the Joker's truck, SLALOMS, wrapping the CABLES around a LAMP POST, SPINNING to a halt to watch . . . EXT. PARKSIDE — CONTINUOUS The cable goes TAUT, RIPPING one post from its foundation- the TRUCK'S FRONT WHEELS CATCH, FLIPPING IT END OVER END... The Joker crawls from the wreckage. He jumps over the median and starts waving his pistol at oncoming traffic. Batman GUNS the bat-pod and rides it up and over the median. INT. ARMORED CAR — NIGHT The Driver slows the car, pulls to the side. SHOTGUN SWAT What the hell are you doing? EXT. PARKSIDE — NIGHT The Joker walks towards the Bat-pod, which SPEEDS towards him. He is FIRING his gun RANDOMLY at the oncoming traffic. THE JOKER Hit me. Come on. Hit me. Batman watches as the Joker holds out his arms. Waiting for impact. There is no room to go around him. Batman LOCKS UP THE BRAKES. The Joker watches as Batman DUMPS the bike, rather than smashing into him. Batman SLAMS into the wall. The Joker's thug reach Batman first. He is unconscious. The first Thug pulls at the mask. An ELECTRIC SHOCK from the bat-suit THROWS him back. The Joker LAUGHS. Flicks his switchblade. Crouches- VOICE (O.S.) Drop it. THE JOKER Just give me a second. The gun is COCKED. The Joker drops the knife. Sits. Looks back. Behind them is the armored car. The man standing over him is the Driver. He pulls off his helmet. It's JIM GORDON. Back from the dead. GORDON We got you, you son of a bitch. INT. ARMORED CAR — MOMENTS LATER Dent looks up as the door swings open to reveal Gordon. Dent GRINS. DENT Lieutenant, you do like to play it pretty close to the chest... GORDON We got him, Harvey. Dent nods . Respect in his eyes . They shake hands . EXT. PARKS IDE — NIGHT A small army of cops have sealed off the roadway. Gordon pulls away in the squad car containing the Joker. REPORTERS clamor for an interview with Dent, who is being helped out of the van by the SWATS. Ramirez pushes through the pack, shoving reporters aside. RAMIREZ Let him be I He's been through enough- Dent follows Ramirez to a squad car- Wuertz is in the driver's seat. Dent smiles at Ramirez as she opens the rear door. DENT Thanks, detective- I've got a date with a pretty upset fiancee. RAMIREZ I figured, counselor. Ramirez shuts the door on Dent. Signals Wuertz to pull out. I NT. HOLDING, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker sits in a holding cage. His makeup has run, his clothes a mess- but his calm lends him an odd dignity. COPS SMASH their night sticks against the bars near the Joker's head. The Joker does not flinch. GORDON Stand away l All of you. I don't want anything for his mob lawyer to use, understand? Handle this guy like he's made of glass. The Mayor walks in. Shakes Gordon's hand. MAYOR Back from the dead. GORDON I couldn't chance my family's safety. The Mayor looks over at the Joker in his cage. MAYOR What do we got? GORDON Nothing . No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing iB custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. No name, no other alias... nothing. MAYOR Go home, Gordon. The clown'll keep till morning. Get some rest- you're going to need it. Tomorrow, you take the big job. (off look) You don't have any say in the matter. (louder, for all) Commissioner Gordon. The cops in M.C.U. start CHEERING. EXT. GORDON HOME — NIGHT Gordon rings the bell. Barbara answers it, dressed in black . GORDON I couldn't tell you. I couldn't risk- She SLAPS Gordon. He grabs her, holds her tight as Bhe sobs . INT. HOLDING, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker's men are processed. In the harBh light, the men look a little ridiculous in their clown make-up. DETECTIVE MURPHY turns to Stephens. DETECTIVE Look at these ugly bastards. One of the men, walks over, clutching at his belly. PAT THUG I don't feel good. DETECTIVE MURPHY You're a cop killer. You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck. Alone in hie cage, the Joker smiles at this. INT. KIDS' BEDROOM, GORDON HOME — NIGHT Gordon crouches by his son's beside. He reaches out to touch James Jr's cheek. James's eyes open. Staring at his dad as if still dreaming. JAMES (whispers) Did Batman save you, dad? Gordon looks at his son. A little pride seeps in. GORDON Actually, this time I saved him. Gordon ' s phone rings- INT. MAJOR CRIMES UNIT, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Gordon PUSHES through the swarm of detectives crowded into the observation room. The Joker can be seen through the glass, as well as on a large MONITOR. Sitting there. Calm. GORDON Has he said anything, yet? Ramirez shakes her head. Gordon PUSHES through a door... INT. INTERROGATION, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker, in near darkness. Gordon walks in. Sits. THE JOKER Evening, Commissioner. GORDON Harvey Dent never made it home. THE JOKER Of course not. GORDON What have you done with him? THE JOKER ( laughs ) Me? I was right here. Who did you leave him with? Your people? Assuming, of course, that they are your people not Mar on i 1 s . . . (off look) Does it depress you, Lieutenant, to know how alone you are? Gordon can't help glancing at the mounted CAMERA. THE JOKER (CONT'D) Does it make you feel responsible for Harvey Dent's current predicament? GORDON Where is he? THE JOKER What time is it? GORDON What difference does that make? THE JOKER Depending on the time, he might be in one spot. (smiles) Or several. Gordon stands. Movsb to the Joker, undoes his handcuffs. GORDON If we're going to play games, I'm going to need a cup of coffee. THE JOKER The good cop, bad cop routine? Gordon pauses, hand on the doorknob. GORDON Not exactly. Gordon steps out. The overhead lights COME ON. BATMAN IS BEHIND HIM. The Joker BLINKS in the HARSH WHITE LIGHT. WHAM! The Joker's face HITS the table- comes up for air— CRACK! CRACK 1 To the head. Batman is in front of him. The Joker stares, fascinated. Bleeding. THE JOKER Never start with the head... victim gets fuzzy. Can't feel the next- CRACK! Batman's fist SMACKS down on the Joker's fingers. THE JOKER (CONT'D) (calm) See? BATMAN You wanted me. Here I am. THE JOKER I wanted to see what you'd do. And you didn't disappoint... ( laughs ) You let five people die. Then you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me... that's cold- BATMAN Where's Dent? THE JOKER Those mob fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things were. But I know the truth- there's no going back. You've changed things . Forever . BATMAN Then why do you want to kill me? The Joker starts LAUGHING. After a moment he's laughing so hard it sounds like SOBBING. THE JOKER Kill you? I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off Mob dealers? No you . . . (points) You . Complete . Me . BATMAN You're garbage who kills for money. THE JOKER Don't talk like one of them- you're not, even if you'd like to be. To them you're a freak like me... they just need you right now. He regards Batman with something approaching pity. THE JOKER (CONT'D) But as soon as they don't, they'll cast you out like a leper. The Joker looks into Batman's eyes. Searching. THE JOKER (CONT'D) Their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see- I'll show you... when the chips are down, these civilized people... they'll eat each other. (grins) See, I'm not a monster... I'm just ahead of the curve. Batman GRABS the Joker and pulls him upright. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT One of the Detectives moves for the door. Gordon stops him. GORDON He's in control. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Batman HOISTS the Joker up by the neck. BATMAN Where's Dent? THE JOKER You have these rules. And you think they'll save you. BATMAN I have one rule. THE JOKER Then that's the one you'll have to break. To know the truth. BATMAN Which is? THE JOKER (smiles) The only sensible way to live in thiB world is without rules. Tonight you're going to break your one rule . . . Batman leans in to the Joker. BATMAN I'm considering it. THE JOKER There are just minutes left- so, you'll have to play my little game if you want to save... (with relish) ...one of them. BATMAN Them? THE JOKER For a while I thought you really were Dent, the way you threw yourself after her- Batman DROPS the Joker- RIPS up a bolted— down chair- INT. OBSERVATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Gordon MOVES for the door- INT. OBSERVATION ROOM, MCU — CONTINUOUS Batman JAMS the chair under the doorknob- PICKS up the Joker and HURLS him into the two-way glass. The glass SPIDERS . INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker, bleeding from nose and mouth, LAUGHS at Batman. THE JOKER Look at you go... does Harvey know about you and his-? The Joker SMASHES into the wall- SLIDES to the floor. Batman stands over him, a man possessed- BATMAN WHERE ARE THEY? 1 He GRABS the Joker, holding him close- THE JOKER Killing is making a choice... Batman PUNCHES the Joker across the face. HARD. BATMAN WHERE ARE THEY? I The Joker FEEDS off Batman's anger. Loving it. THE JOKER ...you choose one life over the other. Your friend, the district attorney. Or his blushing bride- to-be . Batman PUNCHES the Joker again. The Joker LAUGHS. THE JOKER (CONT'D) You have nothing. Nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength... (spits a tooth) But don't worry, I'm going to tell you where they are. Both of them, and that's the point- you'll have to choose. The Batman stares at the Joker... THE JOKER (CONT'D) He's at 250 52nd Boulevard. And she's on avenue X at Cicero. Batman DROPS him. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Batman RACES past Gordon. GORDON Which one are you- BATMAN Dent knew the risks . Gordon looks back- the Joker is bloody, but grinning. EXT. MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Several cops see Batman climb onto the bat-pod and TEAR off. EXT. STREETS, GOTHAM — NIGHT Batman SWERVES into oncoming traffic, CHAOS in his wake. EXT. GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Gordon and his men SCRAMBLE into their cars... INT. BASEMENT APARTMENT — NIGHT Black. RACHEL (O.S.) Can anyone hear me? Harvey Dent opens his eyes. He's bound to a chair in a dingy, unfurnished basement apartment. DENT Rachel? Rachel is that you? RACHEL (O.S.) (sobbing) Harvey. You're OK. I thought... Her voice is coming from a speakerphone on the floor. DENT It's OK, Rachel. Everything's going to be just fine. He looks around. Behind him, metal BARRELS, hooked up to car battery, with a TIMER counting down: five minutes. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker sits, smiling, content. Stephens guards the door. THE JOKER I want my phone call. STEPHENS That's nice. THE JOKER How many of your friends have I killed? STEPHENS I'm a twenty year man. I can tell the difference between punks who need a little lesson in manners, and the freaks like you who would just enjoy it. (quiet) And you killed six of my friends. INT. HOLDING AREA, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Fat Thug shuffles to the bars, where a COP stands guard . FAT THUG (agony) Please. My insides hurt. COP Step away from the bars. FAT THUG The boss said he would make the voices go away. He said he would go inside and replace them with bright lights. Like Christmas. COP That's great. Please step- The Fat Thug COLLAPSES. The Cop grabs his radio. INT. WAREHOUSE — NIGHT Rachel is bound to a chair. Behind her are barrels identical to the ones behind Dent. DENT (O.S.) Can you move your chair? RACHEL No. Harvey, we don't have much time- The timer connected to the bomb reads 2 . 47 ... 2 . 46 ... INT. BASEMENT APARTMENT — NIGHT Dent DRAGS his chair, inching closer to the barrels. DENT Look for something to free yourself. The chair JAMS against a ridge in the floor. Dent STRAINS to reach the timer. Inches shy. RACHEL (O.S.) They said only one of us was going to make it. That they'd let our... (pause) Our friends choose . . . Dent strains... THE CHAIR, AND DENT, TOPPLE OVER- KNOCKING OVER A BARREL. RACHEL (O.S.) (CONT'D) Harvey? What 1 s happening? Dent, one side of his face pressed against the bare floor, watches the open barrel SPEW DIESEL FUEL around him- DENT Nothing. I'm trying to... Dent contorts his head to keep from swallowing any. EXT. STREETS, GOTHAM — NIGHT The bat -pod SKIDS SIDEWAYS, WHEELS FLIPPING as the gyro keeps Batman upright on the tumbling bike- it comes to rest- guns lined up with a fire exit- BLOWS the door off its hinges- JUMPS off the bike- EXT. 5 2ND STREET, GOTHAM — NIGHT Gridlock. Gordon SWERVES onto the sidewalk. SCATTER. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL The Joker sits like a kid kept after class. THE JOKER You know why I use a knife, Detective? Guns are too quick. You don ' t get to savor all the little emotions. See, in their last moments, people show you who they really are... Stephens trieB hard to ignore him. It isn't THE JOKER (CONT'D) So, in a way, I knew your friends better than you ever did. (smiles) Would you like to know which of them were really cowards? STEPHENS (rolls up sleeves) I know you're going to enjoy this. But I'm going to enjoy it more. Stephens PUNCHES the Joker in the gut. INT. BASEMENT APARTMENT — NIGHT Dent is half submerged in diesel fuel. RACHEL Harvey, in case... I want you to know something. . . Dent CHOKES, his emotions overwhelming him. DENT Don't think like that, Rachel. They ' re coming for you . RACHEL I know, but I don't want them to.. People — NIGHT He smiles . working . INT. WAREHOUSE NIGHT Rachel looks at the timer. Ten seconds left. RACHEL I don't want to live without you. Because I do have an answer, and my answer is yes... INT. HOLDING AREA, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT A MEDIC CUTS away the Fat Thug's shirt- his belly has large INCISION, which has been closed with crude looking STITCHES- MEDIC He ' s got some kind of . . . contusion. . . A RECTANGULAR SHAPE is visible under the skin above his navel. INT. DETECTIVE'S ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT Stephens shuffles out into the room, a piece of BROKEN GLASS held to his THROAT by the Joker. Cops draw their weapons . STEPHENS This is my own damn fault. Just shoot him. DETECTIVE MURPHY What do you want? THE JOKER I want my phone call. The Detectives look at each other. One of them pulls out his cell phone. TOSSES it to the Joker, who begins to dial. INT. HOLDING AREA, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Medic gingerly PRESSES the rectangle. It illuminates, a soft blue light visible through the skin. COP Is that a. . . phone ? INT. DETECTIVE'S ROOM, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker presses SEND. At the end of the room, the door to the holding area EXPLODES- INT. HALLWAY, TENEMENT — NIGHT Batman SPRINTS down the hall- stops at a door- KICKS it- EXT. 5 2ND STREET, GOTHAM — NIGHT Cars PULL UP- Gordon gets out, carrying a fire ax- INT . HALLWAY, TENEMENT — NIGHT Batman KICKS- the door gives- Batman SMASHES it open- INT. BASEMENT APARTMENT — NIGHT . . . Batman BURSTS through the door- Dent looks up in horror- DENT NO l Not me... Why did you come for me? 1 Batman STARES at Dent. The Joker lied. The counter hits 5 seconds. Batman DRAGS Dent out- Dent FIGHTS to stay- DENT (CONT'D) RACHEL 1 RACHEL (O.S.) Harvey? Harvey , it's okay... DENT RACHEL l 1 l EXT. 5 2ND STREET, GOTHAM — NIGHT Gordon, axe in hand, RUNS towards the entrance- INT. WAREHOUSE — NIGHT Rachel can hear Dent. The counter runs out. RACHEL (calm) Somewhere - AN EXPLOSION. ALL-CONSUMING. EXT. 52ND STREET , GOTHAM — NIGHT The BLAST HURLS Gordon backward onto the hood of his car- THE ENTIRE WAREHOUSE IS AN ENORMOUS EXPLOSION- INT. BASEMENT APARTMENT — NIGHT Batman wraps his cape around Dent and hurls them both through the door. Dent is SCREAMING- EXT. 5 2ND STREET, GOTHAM — NIGHT Gordon picks himself up. The warehouse is an inferno. He heads for it anyway. Five of his men have to RESTRAIN HIM. EXT. ALLEYWAY, GOTHAM — NIGHT A SECOND EXPLOSION- Batman COVERS Dent as the FIREBALL HITS them- IGNITING the diesel soaking Dent's left side- he starts BURNING. And stops screaming. Batman ROLLS Dent on the wet pavement... Dent SIZZLES. Silent.' INT. SPECIAL HOLDING AREA, MCU, GOTHAM CENTRAL — NIGHT The Joker walks to the bars of another cell. Grins. THE JOKER Hello there. In his cell. Terrified. Lau. EXT. AMBULANCE — CONTINUOUS Dent is wheeled into an ambulance, bandages held to his face. His one visible eye STARES . BLANKLY oblivious to the panic- EXT. 5 2ND STREET — CONTINUOUS Gordon watches the fire. DEBRIS blows across the asphalt. Gordon picks up two pieces: SINGED JOKER CARDS. In place of the Joker's face is a PHOTO OF LAU. A POLICE SERGEANT approaches . SERGEANT Dent's alive, Jim. Just. But back at M.C.U.... the Joker's gone... With Lau? GORDON (the Cop nods) The Joker planned to be caught. He wanted me to lock him up in M.C.U.. EXT. STREET , DOWNTOWN GOTHAM — DAWN A squad car BLAZES down the street. The Joker sticks his head out the window like a dog, feeling the wind. . . INT. KITCHEN, WAYNE PENTHOUSE — DAWN Alfred sits at a table reading the letter from Rachel. RACHEL (V.O.) Dear Bruce, I need to explain . . . EXT. 52ND STREET — DAWN Water. Smoldering blackness. The FIRE CREWS extinguish the last flames of the devastated building. A FIREMAN nudges his COLLEAGUE, pointing out something in the devastation. . . RACHEL ...I need to be honeat and clear. I 'm going to marry Harvey Dent. . . INT. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT — DAWN Glimpses of Dent's damaged face as SURGEONS surround him. RACHEL (V.O.) I love him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him . . . EXT. 5 2ND STREET — DAWN The Firemen watch a statue-like figure amidst the charred ruins. The Batman. RACHEL (V.O.) When I told you that if Gotham no longer needed Batman we could be together, I meant it... INT. MCU , GOTHAM CENTRAL — DAY Gordon surveys the wreckage of MCU. The bodies. RACHEL (V.O. ) But I 'm not sure the day will come. . . EXT. 5 2ND STREET — DAWN Batman bends to the ground on one knee, his black glove spread against the smoldering debris. RACHEL (V.O.) ...when you no longer need Batman. I hope it does , and if it does I will be there. . . He spots something. DENT'S TWO-HEADED COIN. Blackened, SCARRED. Batman turns it over. The other side is PRISTINE. INT. KITCHEN, WAYNE PENTHOUSE — DAWN Alfred reads. RACHEL (V.O.) . . .but as your friend . I 'm sorry to let you down . . . INT. HOSPITAL ROOM — DAWN Dent, heavily bandaged, hooked up to various machines. Batman stands at the foot of his bed. Watching. RACHEL If you lose your faith in me, please keep your faith in people . . . BATMAN I'm sorry, Harvey. Batman puts DENT'S DAMAGED COIN on the bedside table. INT. KITCHEN, WAYNE PENTHOUSE — CONTINUOUS RACHEL (V.O.) Love, now and always, Rachel. Alfred finishes the letter. Tears in his eyes, he folds it back into its envelope. Places it on the breakfast tray. INT. WAYNE PENTHOUSE DAWN Alfred moves through the silent space, stepping past the cowl and gauntlets lying on the cold marble. He approaches Wayne, half-undressed, slumped in a chair watching Gotham. ALFRED I prepared a little breakfast. Nothing. Alfred sets down the tray. The envelope is propped against the silver teapot. ALFRED (CONT'D) Very well. WAYNE Alfred? ALFRED Yes, Master Wayne? Wayne turns, a desperate look in his eye. WAYNE Did I bring this on us? On her? I thought I would inspire good, not madness- ALFRED You have inspired good. But you spat in the face of Gotham's criminals- didn't you think there might be casualties? Things were always going to have to get worse before they got better. WAYNE But Rachel, Alfred... ALFRED Rachel believed in what you stood for. what we Btand for. Wayne looks up at Alfred. Alfred picks up the cowl. ALFRED (CONT'D) Gotham needs you. WAYNE Gotham needs its hero. And I let the Joker blow him half to hell- ALFRED Which is why for now, they'll have to make do with you. Alfred hands him the cowl. Wayne looks at him. WAYNE She was going to wait for me. Dent doesn't know. He can never know... Alfred glances at the envelope. Takes it off the tray. WAYNE (CONT'D) What's that? ALFRED It can wait. Alfred puts the envelope in his pocket. WAYNE That bandit, in the forest in Burma... Did you catch him? (Alfred nods) How? ALFRED (uneasy) We burned the forest down. EXT. DOWNTOWN GOTHAM — DAY A national guard helicopter ROARS over Gotham General. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM — DAY Dent. Bandaged. Sedated. Corning up for air. Sees something on the table: his coin. He fumbles for it, marvelling at its shiny face. Remembering. INSERT CUT: RACHEL CATCHES THE COIN . Dent turns the coin over. The other side is devastated. He STARES at the scarred face. Starts ripping his bandages . INT. WAYNE PENTHOUSE — DAY Alfred comes up to Wayne. Points him to the TV. ALFRED You need to see this. On screens Engel , in his studio, addresses the camera. ENGEL ...he's a credible source - an A and M lawyer for a prestigious consultancy . He says he's waited as long as he can for the Batman to do the right thing. . . The shot cuts to REESE, nodding. ENGEL (CONT'D) Now he's taking matters into his own hands. We'll be live at five with the true identity of the Batman, stay with us... INT. HOSPITAL ROOM — CONTINUOUS Gordon ENTERS. Dent STARES to one side. He looks normal. GORDON I'm sorry about Rachel. (nothing) The Doctor says you're in agonizing pain but you won't accept medication. That you're refusing skin grafts- DENT Remember the name you all had for me when I was at Internal Affairs? What waB it, Gordon? GORDON Harvey, I can't- DENT SAY IT! Dent s anger makes Gordon flinch. He looks away. Ashamed. GORDON (small) Two-face. Harvey two-face. Dent turns to face Gordon- the left side of Dent ' s face is DESTROYED- skin blackened and shriveled. Molars visible. The eye a ball and socket. Dent manages a small smile with the good side of his face. DENT Why should I hide who I am? GORDON I . . . I know you tried to warn me . I'm sorry. Wuertz picked you up- was he working for them? < nothing ) Do you know who picked up Rachel? (nothing) Harvey, I need to know which of my men I can trust. Dent looks at Gordon. Cold. DENT Why would you listen to me now? GORDON I'm sorry, Harvey. DENT No. No you're not. Not yet. Gordon takes a last look at Dent. Then leaves. INT. CORRIDOR, HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS Gordon steps out. Someone is there. Maroni. On crutches. Gordon stares at him. Cold. Maroni shifts, awkward. MARONI This craziness. This is too much. GORDON You should have thought of that before you let the clown out of the box. MARONI You want him, I can tell you where he'll be this afternoon. EXT. ABANDONED DOCKS DAY The Chechen gets out of his SUV. Looks at a RUSTED HULK. The Chechen, bodyguards, and dogs, head up the gangplank. INT. RUSTED HULK — CONTINUOUS They pass into a huge hold. In the middle: A BILLION DOLLARS. The pile is thirty feet high. Standing on top- the Joker. At his feet, bound, is Lau. The Chechen laughs . CHECHEN Like I say- not so crazy as you look. The Joker jumps from the top, slides down the pile. THE JOKER I told you- I ' m a man of my word . (looks around) Where 1 s the Italian? The Chechen shrugs. Pulls out a cigar. Lights it. CHECHEN More for us. What you do with all your money, Mr. Joker? The Joker GRABS a can of GASOLINE from his thug. THE JOKER I'm a man of simple tastes. I like gunpowder . Dynamite . . . He is SPLASHING gasoline onto the money. THE JOKER (CONT'D) . . .gasoline. . . The Chechen, FURIOUS, steps forwards. The Joker turns. JABS his gun in the Chechen's face. The Chechen's bodyguards REACT. The Joker's men DRAW on them. THE JOKER (CONT'D) And you know what they have in common? They're cheap. CHECHEN You said you were a man of your word. The Joker PLUCKS the cigar from the Chechen ' s lips . THE JOKER I am. The Joker tosses the cigar at the pile. THE JOKER (CONT'D) I'm only burning my half. The Chechen watches the money catch fire. THE JOKER (CONT'D) All you care about is money. This city deserves a better class of criminal, and I'm going to give it to them. This is my town now. Tell your men they work for me. •The Joker crouches down to the Chechen's dogs. They GROWL. CHECHEN They won't work for a freak. The Joker takes out a knife. Tosses it to his man. THE JOKER Cut him up and offer him to his little Princes . Let ' s show him just how loyal a hungry dog is. The Joker's men GRAB the Chechen. THE JOKER (CONT'D) It's not about money. It's about sending a message... The Joker watches the towering FLAMES . Lau screams . THE JOKER (CONT'D) Everything . Burns . The Joker pulls out a phone... INT. TELEVISION STUDIO — DAY Reese has a confident air. Engel is taking calls. CALLER 1 ( O.S .) J wanna how much they're gonna pay you to say who Batman really is. REESE That's simply not why I'm doing this . ENGEL Caller, you're on the air. CALLER 2 ( 0 . S . ) Harvey dent didn't want us to give in to this maniac- you think you know better than him? ENGEL Guy ' s got a point- Dent didn ' t want Batman to give himself up, is this the right thing to do? REESE If we could talk to Dent now he might feel different ly- ENGEL And we wish him a speedy recovery. God knows we need him, now. Let's take another call- OLD LADY ( O.S .) Mr. Reese, what's more valuable: one life, or a hundred? REESE I guess it would depend on the life. OLD LADY (O.S.) OK. Let's say it's your life. Is it worth more than the lives of several hundred others? REESE Of course not. OLD LADY (O.S.) I 'm glad you feel that way. Because I've put a bomb in one of the city's hospitals. It's going off in sixty minutes unless someone kills you. ENGEL Who is this? OLD LADY (O.S. ) Just a concerned citizen- ( drops pitch to the JOKER'S VOICE) -and regular guy . . . INT. MAJOR CRIMES UNIT, GOTHAM CENTRAL — CONTINUOUS Gordon and his men are gearing up to take down the Joker. A Detective turns up the TV in the bullpen- THE JOKER (O.S.) I had a vision. Of a world without Batman. The mob ground out a little profit and the police tried to shut them down , one block at a time... and it was so... boring. I've had a change of heart. I don't want Mr. Reese spoiling everything , but why should I have all the fun? Let's grive someone else a chance... Reese looks around , twitching. Sweating. THE JOKER (O.S.) (CONT'D) If Coleman Reese isn't dead in sixty minutes, then I blow up a hospital. Of course, you could always kill yourself, Mr. Reese. But that would be the noble thing to do. And you 're a lawyer. The line rings off. Engel is speechless. Gordon turns to the uniform COPS. GORDON Call in every officer- tell them to head to their nearest hospital and start evac and search. Call the transit authority, school board, prisons- get every available bus down to a hospital- the priority is Gotham General- wheel everybody out of that place right now- my hunch is that's where the bomb is. DETECTIVE MURPHY Why? GORDON That ' s where Harvey Dent is . The Uniforms SPRINT off. Gordon turns to his Detectives. UNIFORMED COP Where are we going, sir? On screen: Reese is a deer in the headlights . GORDON To get Reese. INT. WAYNE PENTHOUSE — DAY Wayne and Alfred move to the elevator. WAYNE I need you plugged in, checking Gordon's men and their families. ALFRED Looking for? WAYNE Hospital admissions. ALFRED Will you be taking the batpod, sir? WAYNE In the middle of the day? Not very subtle, Alfred. ALFRED The Lamborghini then. (watches Wayne go) Much more subtle. EXT. GOTHAM STREETS — DAY Wayne's Lamborghini TEARS through downtown. INT. HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS CHAOS. PATIENTS and STAFF running around. COPS and TRAFFIC WARDENS try to manage the evacuation. The COPS stationed outside Dent's room, look around, unsure- NURSE Sir, are you going to help? I Two Cops move to help wheel gurneys around the corner. OMITTED INT. LOBBY, TELEVISION STUDIO — DAY Gordon and his men escort Reese out of the elevator- Engel follows with a camera crew. As they approach the glass doors Gordon looks out at an angry crowd. ENGEL Commissioner? I You really think someone would try to- Gordon SPOTS an OLD MAN raising a PISTOL- Gordon THROWS Reese to the ground as SHOTS SHATTER the laminated glass of the lobby. The Crowd SURGES in all directions- GORDON Get the cars around back! Gordon hauls Reese to the stairwell. INT. LAMBORGHINI — CONTINUOUS Wayne SLOWS past the chaos outside the television station. WAYNE I saw O'Brien and Richards... INT. BAT-BUNKER — CONTINUOUS Alfred types at the computer station. ALFRED (O.S.) Nothing on them. No immediate family members admitted to a Gotham hospital . INT. STAIRWELL, TELEVISION STUDIO — CONTINUOUS Gordon pulls the shaken Reese down the stairs... REESE (shaken) They're trying to kill me. and into a police VAN — INT. POLICE VAN — CONTINUOUS Gordon throws Reese in the back. Smiles. GORDON Well, maybe Batman will save you. The van PEELS out. Heads onto the streets. EXT. HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS Cops load patients onto BUSES. A TV van pulls up, Engel and his Cameraman jump out. One of Dent's guards, POLK, looks into a SCHOOL BUS. Turns to the Cop loading it. POLK Okay, don't put anyone else on. (gets on radio) Davis, I got space, bring him out. (no answer) Davis? Polk heads back towards the hospital, against the flow. INT. LAMBORGHINI — CONTINUOUS Wayne trails the police van from a distance. WAYNE I saw Burns and Zachary... and a patrolman I don't know. ALFRED (O.S. ) Burns is clean — Zachary. . . WAYNE There ' s at least one I don ' t know- send the information to Gordon- INT. POLICE VAN CONTINUOUS Gordon's phone BEEPS. He looks at a text: WATCH OUT. COPS WITH RELATIVES IN GOTHAM HOSPITALS- BURKE, RAMIREZ , TILL... INT. DENT'S HOSPITAL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Polk enters the room. No Davis. Just a REDHEADED NURSE, back towards him, reading Dent's chart. POLK Ma'am, we're going to have to move him, now. (nothing) Ma ' am? The Redhead TURNS- it iB the Joker, silenced pistol in hand. He FIRES. EXT. GOTHAM STREETS — CONTINUOUS The Lamborghini zips around a car to get closer to the van. INT. POLICE VAN — CONTINUOUS Gordon is reading his phone: ERIKSON, BERG. Gordon looks up sharply. Considers the uniformed cop nervously fingering his shotgun. GORDON Berg, isn't it? The young cop, BERG, looks up. Sweating. BERG Commissioner? GORDON You okay, son? Berg nods. Looks at his watch. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM — DAY The Joker draws closer to Dent's bed. Dent STRAINS at the leather cuffs binding him to the bed. THE JOKER I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us, Harvey. The Joker loosens Dent's restraints. THE JOKER (CONT'D) When you and Rachel were being abducted I was sitting in Gordon ' s cage. I didn't rig those charges - DENT Your men. Your. plan. THE JOKER Do I really look like a guy with a plan, Harvey? I don't have a plan. . . THE JOKER (CONT'D) The mob has plans, the cops have plans. You know what I am, Harvey? Dent's hand is TREMBLING. THE JOKER (CONT'D) I'm a dog chasing cars... I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. I just do things. I'm just the wrench in the gears. I hate plans. Yours, theirs, everyone ' s . Maroni has plans . Gordon has plans. Schemers trying to control their worlds. I'm not a schemer, I show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So when I say that you and your girlfriend was nothing personal , you know I 'm telling the truth. . . Hands him the pistol. Dent holds it to the Joker's head. EXT. INTERSECTION, GOTHAM STREETS — CONTINUOUS Wayne ROARS past a line of traffic to settle in a few cars back from the police van, sitting at a red light. INT. LAMBORGHINI — CONTINUOUS Wayne studies the intersection- spots a PICKUP jostling for position on the cross street. INT. POLICE VAN — CONTINUOUS Gordon watches Berg, mentally tracing the trajectory of his shotgun barrel as Berg fiddles with his gun. Gordon starts trying to subtly unholster his own weapon. GORDON I'm gonna need your weapoji, son. Berg looks at Gordon. BERG What? INT. LAMBORGHINI — CONTINUOUS Wayne watches the driver of the pickup staring intently at the police van. Lining it up. INT. POLICE VAN — CONTINUOUS Reese looks from Berg to Gordon. B&rg looks at Gordon, trembling, the barrel of his gun inching lower in the car. BERG Why? Because my wife ' s iiji hospital? GORDON Yeah. That would be why, INT. DENT'S HOSPITAL ROOM — CONTINUOUS The Joker leans in, pressing his he4d to the gun's barrel, THE JOKER It ' s the schemers who put you are. You were a schemer. You got you. I took of gas iNobody had plans. Look where it I just did what I do best- your plan, and I turned it on itself. Look what I've dene to this city with a few drums and a couple of bullets, panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plan is horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics. Because it's all part of you where the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, everybody loses their minds 1 Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? Dent looks into the Joker's eyes. Finding meaning. THE JOKER (CONT'D) It ' s fair. Dent looks down at the coin in his hands . Turns it over feels it's comforting weight. Shows the Joker the good side. DENT You live. He turns the coin over. The flip side is deeply SCARRED DENT (CONT'D) You die. The Joker looks at the coin. Looks at Dent, admiringly. THE JOKER Now you're talking. Dent FLICKS the coin into the air . Catches it . Looks . EXT. INTERSECTION, GOTHAM STREETS — CONTINUOUS The light turns GREEN. The police van pulls into the intersection- the pickup GUNS IT, RACING AT IT... INT. LAMBORGHINI — CONTINUOUS Wayne FLOORS it, YANKS the wheel to pull up onto the sidewalk- INT . POLICE VAN — CONTINUOUS Berg licks his lips, nervous. Mr .Reese? BERG EXT. INTERSECTION, GOTHAM STREETS — CONTINUOUS The pickup BARRELS at the van, FULL TILT- at the last second Wayne's Lamborghini SLIPS alongside the van- the pickup SMASHES INTO THE LAMB ORGH I N I - INT. POLICE VAN — CONTINUOUS As the van JOLTS with the impact Gordon LEAPS forward, PUSHING UP Berg's shotgun barrel, which FIRES into the roof- Gordon SMASHES Berg on the head with his sidearm. EXT. INTERSECTION, GOTHAM STREETS — CONTINUOUS Gordon ' s men pull the pickup driver from his cab- Gordon crouches down to the Lamborghini wreck to help pull Wayne from the car. Gordon recognizes him as he pulls him free. GORDON You okay, Mr. Wayne? Wayne looks at him, woozy. Sits on the curb. WAYNE Call me Bruce. I think so. GORDON That was a brave thing, you did. WAYNE Trying to catch the light? GORDON You weren't protecting the van? Wayne turnB- sees the police van as if for the first time. Reese steps down, dazed. WAYNE Why? Who's in it? Reese locks eyes with Wayne. Nods. Gordon sizes up Bruce Wayne and his crushed sports car. GORDON You don't watch a whole lot of news, do you, Mr. Wayne? WAYNE (shrugs) It can get a little intense. Think I should go to hospital? GORDON Not today, I wouldn't. INT. CORRIDOR, HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS The Joker walks calmly through the mostly deserted building. As he walks he pulls a DETONATOR from his pocket. Strolling along he PUSHES THE BUTTON... STAGGERED EXPLOSIONS BURST INTO THE CORRIDOR BEHIND HIM LIKE DEMOLITION BLASTS... the Joker just walks out the door... EXT. HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS The Joker STROLLS down the steps- WINDOWS BLOW OUT IN SERIES- People DIVE for cover- Engel PILES into a school bus- The Joker walks across the parking lot- THE BUILDING COLLAPSING BEHIND HIM... EXT. INTERSECTION, GOTHAM STREETS — CONTINUOUS Gordon hears the EXPLOSION. GORDON Gotham general . . . (grabs his phone) Did you get Dent out? COP (O.S.) I think so- EXT. HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS The Cop cowers as DEBRIS and SMOKE BLAST across the street- INT. SCHOOL BUS — CONTINUOUS The Joker gets onto the bus. Nods at his man at the wheel. EXT. HOSPITAL — CONTINUOUS All eyes are on the collapsed building. One school bus pulls out from the line of other buses . Heads down the street. INT. BAR, GOTHAM HEIGHTS DAY An empty neighborhood dive, the local DRUNK passed out at the bar, BARTENDER, watching BREAKING NEWS on the TV. BARTENDER Sweet Jesus. D'you see this, Mike? They blew up a hospital... Detective Wuertz, at a booth looks up at the TV, bored. BARTENDER (CONT'D) Shouldn ' t you be out there , you know, doing something? WUERTZ It's my day off. The Bartender shuts the register. BARTENDER I gotta take a leak, keep an eye on things, will ya? The Bartender steps out. The back door OPENS again. WUERTZ What? You need me to shake it for- He TRAILS off as Bomeone sticks a gun in his face: Harvey Dent. Standing in shadow. He sits. DENT Hello. WUERTZ Dent, I thought you was... dead... Dent leans into the light. The left side of his face is HIDEOUSLY BURNED, cheek gone, blackened teeth and gums. DENT Half. Dent picks up Wuertz' s drink. Takes a SIP. Wuertz watches the bare muscles RETRACT as Dent SWALLOWS. DENT (CONT'D) Who picked up Rachel, Wuertz? WUERTZ It must ' ve been Maroni ' s men- Dent SLAMS the glass back on the table- Wuertz FLINCHES. DENT You, of all people, are gonna protect the other traitor in Gordon's unit? WUERTZ I don't know- he'd never tell me, WUERTZ (stares at Dent) I swear to God, I didn't know what they were gonna do to you- DENT Funny, I don't know what's going to happen to you, either. Dent pulls his coin from his pocket. FLIPS it. Wuertz watches it SPIN. It lands on the table. Scarred side up. The drunk at the bar STIRS at the GUNSHOT. EXT. GOTHAM GENERAL — DAY Gordon, manic, surveys the scene with a Cop- GORDON You must know how many were inside- you've got patient lists, roll calls- COP Sir I Sir. Take a look at what we're dealing with. Cops, National Guard- ( gestures at buses) We're showing 50 missing- but that building was clear. These buses are heading off to other hospitals- my guess is we missed one. GORDON Yeah? What's your guess about where Harvey Dent is? The cop says nothing. GORDON (CONT'D) Keep looking. Keep it to yourself. INT. FOX'S OFFICE WAYNE INDUSTRIES — DAY Fox is watching the news. His intercom buzzes. VOICE (O.S.) Mr. Fox? Security is showing a break-in at the R and D department. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT — DAY Fox watches two security men force the door. He enters alone. INT. LAB, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT — DAY Fox enters the dimly-lit room. At one end is an extraordinary array of thousands of tiny monitors. Fox approaches, fascinated, as they quietly display architectural patterns individually and in concert. The images become a MAP. BATMAN (O.S.) Beautiful. Isn't it? Fox nods, staring at the monitors as Batman approaches. FOX Beautiful. Unethical. Dangerous. You've turned every phone in the city into a microphone . . . Lucius presses a key. The BABBLE of a MILLION CONVERSATIONS at once fills the room. Every cell phone in the city. BATMAN And high frequency generator/receiver . FOX Like the phone I gave you in Hong Kong. You took my sonar concept and applied it to everybody's phone in the City, With half the city feeding you sonar you can image all of Gotham. (turns to Batman) This is wrong. BATMAN I've got to find this man, Lucius. FOX But at what cost? BATMAN The database is null-key encrypted. It can only be accessed by one person. FOX No one should have that kind of power . WAYNE That ' s why I gave it to you . Only you can use it. Lucius looks at Batman. Hard. FOX Spying on thirty million people wasn't in my job description. Batman points to a TV screen. Fox turns. ON SCREEN: Joker shakes his head above a graphic "LATEST THREAT" THE JOKER What does it take to make you people want to join in..? EXT. SITUATION TENT AT GOTHAM GENERAL — CONTINUOUS Gordon watches a screen. Grave. TBS JOKER You failed to kill the lawyer . . . I've got to get you off the bench and into the game. So, here it is. . . INT. BAR, DOWNTOWN — CONTINUOUS The bar, packed with business people watches the TV. SILENT. THE JOKER Come nightfall, this city is mine, and anyone left here plays by my the rules. If you don't want to be in the game , get out now. Bar patrons start moving... The Joker reaches for the camera- THE JOKER (CONT'D) But the bridge -and- tunnel crowd are in for a surprise. CUT TO STATIC. The bar patrons look around, confused. INT. LAB, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT — CONTINUOUS Fox turns from the TV to look at Batman. BATMAN Trust me. Fox stares at Batman. BATMAN (CONT'D) This is the audio sample. He plugs a USB dongle into the console. A sample of the Joker's voice from the call-in news program plays. BATMAN (CONT'D) If he talks within range of any phone in the city, you'll be able to triangulate his position. Lucius toggles a menu. The city is an open book- People working, eating, sleeping. Lucius shakes his head. BATMAN (CONT'D) When you've finished, type your name to switch it off. FOX I ' 11 help you this one time . . . Lucius sits at the console. Batman moves off- FOX (CONT'D) But consider this my resignation. Batman turns. Fox looks at him, serious. FOX (CONT'D) As long as this machine is at Wayne Industries, I won't be. EXT. VARIOUS LOCATIONS — DUSK Gothamites POUR out of the city, on foot and by car... the BRIDGES and TUNNELS are deserted, but for BOMB SQUAD search teams . INT. CITY HALL — CONTINUOUS Gordon briefs the Mayor. GORDON My officers are going over every inch of the tunnels and bridges, but with the Joker's threat they're not and option. MAYOR Land routes East? GORDON Backed up for hours. Which leaves the ferries with thirty thousand waiting to board. Plus, corrections are at capacity, so I want to use a ferry to take some prisoners off the island. MAYOR The men you and Dent put away? Those aren't people I'm worried about . GORDON You should be- they're the people you least want to be stuck with in an emergency. Whatever the Joker's planning, it's a good bet that Harvey's prisoners might be involved. I want 'em out of here. EXT. FERRY TERMINAL — DUSK At the ferry terminal. National Guardsman watch over the THIRTY THOUSAND jostling, scared people waiting to board the two MASSIVE FERRIES to Seven Sisters. Grumbles turn to YELLS as 800 PRISONERS are loaded onto a ferry by toting CORRECTIONS OFFICERS. shotgun- CIVILIAN That ain't right! We should be on that boat. NATIONAL GUARDSMAN You want to ride across with them, be my guest. EXT. BROWNSTONE — DUSK Maroni climbs into the back of a limo. INT. LIMO — DUSK Maroni settles back into his seat. The car pulls away. MARONI Don't stop for lights, cops, nothing. DENT