Origin of Mana Power

Mana power also known as external or internal or vital arcane energy manipulation.

Users of mana could create, shape, and manipulate mana, a magical form of life-energy. It was also an impersonal source of life energy that was both external and internal, existing in people, places, and objects, and could be transmuted by the user into magical powers that yields upstanding results in both practice and combat.

Much like the ability of life force manipulation, the user could draw the energy from their surroundings asides from themselves. However, the power of mana relied more on the use of different magic methods such as spoken incantations, magic symbols, and magical items, like spell books, charms, talismans, weapons, etc., to achieve the effects that the user desired. The user couls also manipulate the Properties of Mana.

There were different types of application of Mana. They were defensive, healing, offensive, natural, enchanting, sensory mana.

In the enchanting mana usage, the user could manifest mana with or around objects or beings in to provide intentional excess mana. The infusion was magically charged. It was normally temporary, but highly effective.

Users were able to use their mana to enchant their senses in order to mystically connect to the mana of others or objects. It was known as sensory mana. It was used in Divination, Clairvoyance, Dowsing, Energy Detection, Energy Perception, Magic Detection, Sensory Scrying, Sensory Tracking and Weakness Detection.

Like the sides of a coin, mana power had it's limitations too.

May take time to control.

May require objects of magic such as spell books, charms, amulets, runes, etc.

If sentient, the magical energy may be able to overwhelm the user and take over them.

Mana can drain the user and cause fatigue.

Mana is a power that one may need to study.

The strength and quantity of mana depends on the influence and authority one has.

Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.

Users emotions may affect the magic directly, resulting in control being essential.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

Vulnerable to Anti-Magic, Mana Draining Field Projection, Magical Energy Absorption, Magic Negation Field and Magic Absorption.

Users of Magic Resistance are resistant, while those of Magic Immunity are impervious.

Mana power was supposed to be present in Elves only.

Elves. Some call them humanoid creatures while others described them as semi Devine beings associated . They were associated with fertility and the cult of the ancestors. Just like ghosts, the elves were not bound by all physical laws and could pass through walls and doors.

They had an enchanting appearance. One used to be called blessed after witnessing such a beauty! Elves were often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and other natural places, underground or in wells and springs. Elves had many forms; some were tiny, some were tall and female elves often seemed human, but some say they are empty from the back, like a hollow tree. Their ears were longer and pointed more than that of humans.

They had been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and they had magical powers attributed to them, especially powers related to nature.

As they started becoming mates with humans and produce offsprings, mana power slowly started becoming an integral part of human physiology. But everything started to change after the horrific incident known as "Bloody Paternity".

It was an criminal incident in which a father elf cut his own daughter into pieces, when she was completely awake and tied with a rope. It was revealed that he did it because he found her mother cheating with another man.

After this horrific incident another rumour started spreading out, "The Dark Elf". Been the obscure counterpart of the Light Elves ( Good Elves) , the Dark Elves (sometimes called Black Elves) resided in Svartilfelmer . The Dark Elves hated the sun and its light, because if they were touched or exposed to it, they would immediately turn to stone. They used to annoy and threaten humans, to the point that nightmares were thought to be produced by the Dark Elves. These Dark Elves were called mare. A mare would sit on a sleeping person's chest and whisper bad dreams to haunt the person. These elves could also haunt animals, especially horses.

After this the imperial members started taking the Elves as their slaves and started taking them to battle ground to heal the injured knights and draining the elves to death. After many years of exploitation the Elves finally revolted. They had a large affinity and power of the nature with high mana power so the humans signed a pact with them instead of announcing a war with bloodshed. After this pact the Elves and Humans live away on different sides. There is a unwritten barrier between them then. Trespassing was highly banned.





To be continued ~