Page 8

I opened my eyes slowly,it was still dark. I shifted and turned till I was facing Jake. My nose felt blocked. I have no idea who turned up the ac so high and I didn't know where the remote was. I grunted and looked down at Jake's calm face matched with his slow, even breathing. Sighing, I pushed off the covers and slipped out of the bed.

I gasped when my feet came in contact with the unforgivably cold tiles. I looked up at the Ac unit and frowned, pulling the covers more snuggly over Jake. Naked, I walked out of the room. The blast of warm air was welcome and I stood still for a while, embracing the warmth.

Avery might be home by now but that didn't really matter since he was gay, my nakedness wouldn't affect him in the least. I walked gingerly and aimlessly down the stairs and soon found myself in the kitchen.

It was clean and smelt strongly of air freshener. No one could possibly tell that Jake and I had had sex there. I trudged foward slowly, rubbing my hand against the counter. After a few hours, Jake would be gone. I hiccuped and sniffled. Walking up to the fridge, I wrenched it open and pulled out an energy drink. What can I say? I'm addicted.

I closed my eyes, clutching the can close to my heart. After downing my drink in a few loud chugs, I crushed the can and threw it at the waste basket. I missed. Not even caring to pick it up, I walked out of the kitchen again, switching off the light as I went.

I walked numbly throughout the house, feeling lonely. It was safe to cry. I let the tears come, flow out of my eyes freely. I wept until I was empty and then,I climbed the stairs again and settled back into bed, goosebumps prickling on my skin.

I was careful to maintain a respectable distance between me and Jake. I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep. Morning was approaching rapidly and my eyes were still open.

I felt Jake's hand creep over me. I squirmed, trying to free myself. He simply pulled me closer and sighed into my hair before falling into another deep slumber. Somehow, I unwillingly fell asleep in his arms again.


Something wet and cold was dripping on my face, like little droplets of water falling from a leaky roof. Muttering to myself, I opened my eyes, squinting against the sunlight. Juris looked down at me, tongue lolling out happily. I pushed her off me. It was a bit of a struggle since she was so heavy and stuck out a hand to where Jake had been laying last night. His pillow had long lost it's warmth. It was obvious that he left early. I wondered vaguely if my panties were still in his pockets.

"No" I whispered quietly. Heart wrenching sobs tattered my body and I lay on the bed, defenses crushed. He left without even saying goodbye. Juris lay still, sensing my pain. There was nothing I could do, I had to move on.

I had work, I remembered sourly. I climbed out of bed sadly and got into the shower, scrubbing my body harder than necessary, trying to wash away his touch. A few minutes later, I was pulling on a white tshirt and pair of white pants. I glanced at my shoe collection and picked out a pair of sneakers. I would dress like a tomboy today, maybe go visit a few of my colleagues after work. I hadn't made much friends yet. I grabbed my car keys and strode out of my room, leaving the ac on.

Without bothering to check if Avery was back or even eat, I stormed out of the house, carefully locking the door behind me. I set off on the road.I didn't even play music or make a quick stop at Starbucks for a drink. I just needed quiet.

As I approached my workplace, my loneliness was replaced with anger. That boss of mine was a pervert. He was the reason I met Jake. I expertly parked the car and walked into the office, scowling. Everyone's eyes were following me. It wasn't like me to dress like this. I ignored them all and stalked to my office.

There was a huge pile of paper on my desk and I realized that it was another case file. Sighing, I sat down and got to work. Needless to say, images of Jake doing nasty things to me kept popping up in my brain. I could still remember everything. Everything. I was drowning very fast. I looked around, hoping that i looked normal. Then it hit me.

I knew where his beach house was. I smiled. I would pay him a surprise visit, there's nothing wrong with that. Avoiding my boss, I went through work uneventfully and honestly, faster than usual.

Around 4 pm, I was on my way to his beach house. There was barely any traffic on the road. Destiny wanted me to go there. I called Avery and told him where I'd be going. Just incase you were wondering, Avery was back home, safe and sound.

I smiled as I arrived closer to the beach, my spirits lifted. I parked my car some distance from the beach house and walked towards the house slowly. It definitely looked bigger now that I was seeing it in full light.

It looked like any normal, small house except, the length. It was shaped like a train. A wide train. I glanced at the ocean. I remembered the salt I tasted on his skin as he had sex with me on the sand. I closed my eyes for a moment, the breeze teasing my hair, trying to remember everything clearly.

I climbed the small stairs until I was on the top landing. I was about to knock on the screen door when I heard something. It was a deep sound, accompanied by a higher one. It was a sound I'd heard many times before. and it baffled me.

I pushed the door open and entered the house. The house had a distinct smell to it. I looked down at the sleeping dog on the bearskin rug and frowned. I inched closer to the door the noise was coming from, in the far end of the room. I pushed the door open and stood frozen for a minute.