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I moaned, biting my bottom lip and closing my eyes hesitantly. Was I sure I wanted this? He might hurt me again. As if sensing my thoughts, Jake sat up, looking down at my trembling frame and rubbing his hand up and down my hard nipples absently.

"I promise, I'll never hurt you again." He said, smoothing my hair out of my face. Grasping my cheek, he pulled me up against him for a long moist kiss. The heat of his tongue sang through my veins and I found myself eagerly returning his kiss.

He lay back, pulling me over him. He dug his fingers into my waist as I bent over to kiss him again. I would trust him. I needed him. I couldn't explain it.... I just wanted to be with him. A blast of cold air rushed against my already wet slit, chilling me to the bone. I gasped and heard Jake laughter sound from far away. He gently took me off him and lay me on the bed. He grabbed the quilt and tucked it over me before shedding his own clothing and climbing over me. It was the first time he'd had sex with me under some type of cover.

It was so warm and his hot breath felt sweet upon my face. "Deeper, deeper", I moaned softly, putting my all into it. Jake was filling me to my bursting point. I felt like my hole would never be the same again.I felt my blood pump faster as my orgasm approached. I trembled in his arms and cried out, digging my nails into his shoulders.

"Look at me" he whispered harshly against my ear, still thrusting in and out of me at an alarmingly fast rate. I stared at him out of teary eyes as his face came in and out of focus.

"Y...yes?" my voice was tiny and trembly, like the rest of my body. He stilled. I clenched my thighs as my orgasm crashed upon me. Weak and gasping I barely heard him murmur these words.

"I love you" With that, he gave a free rein to his desire and I rode on helplessly.


"Ooh!" Avery screeched as I got out of the dressing room. I looked down at my wedding gown. It was very extravagant, foolishly extravagant. Jake had insisted on spending millions just for a dress. I fingered the silk train and tears spilled out of my eyes. Avery gasped, dropping his bouquet with a flourish. "Don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup!" He screamed, running for a can of setting spray, preparing to fix my face.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dressing room and before I knew it, I was walking down the aisle. This was what I wanted. A white wedding. I could already imagine our life together. He looked so handsome. His beachboy look gone. Replaced by an air of sexy elegance. As I reached out my hand to him, everything became grey and gradually became black as my legs gave way.

I woke up to find my hand pressed against Jake's cheek. I was surprised to find that it was wet.

"Jake, what is it?" I asked, my voice cracking. I was scared. He looked at me, his eyes tearing into mine.

"How are you mommy?" He asked quietly.

"I'm f...Mommy?" My eyes widened. He nodded slowly and kissed me. I would have a baby? Or was it one of his kinks? The thought wasn't frightening, Jake would be here with me. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. I wasn't alone.

The wedding was rescheduled and it was grand. So was the gender reveal party. Who knew that Jake had a large inheritance? He would never tell me why he decided to live in a beach house. Our baby would never want for anything. I'd hit the jackpot.

7 months later( yes, I had my baby prematurely) Little Aiden was born. Jake was quite annoyed to have to drive to the hospital in the middle of the night but it was worth it. He was so beautiful. Jake bought us a house in Beverly hills. Of course, Avery moved in with us, along with his boyfriend Anthony. Everything was as it should be. Aiden was growing up so fast and seemed interested in the world. I was seriously considering having other children. My life was complete and so will yours be. In time.

The actual end ❤️