It was a snowy Friday evening. Five boys were walking down the street while talking. They must have been in their in teens, probably seventeen to eighteen years old. Nothing seemed out of place, just some students walking around aimlessly and having fun, something that seemed normal for students their age. As they were walking one of the boys suddenly said.
"Guys I'd better be on my way home."
It was boy of average height and build. He had shoulder-length hair tied into a ponytail. He seemed like the type of student that you'd find anywhere. It would not be surprising to say that he had average grades as well.
"Hey, you better not be ditching us like the last time Tim."
A boy with dirty straight blond hair, his height and build being the same as that of the first boy, said to Tim. He also has round glasses that make him look like an intelligent person. His name was David, Dave for short, is what the group called him.
"Dude, in no way am I ditching, i just want to sleep." Tim replied.
The group looked at him with a "dude, no way we'd believe you" look.
They looked at each other liked this for a second before Tim sighed in resignation and replied.
"Alright, you guys win, I'll come with you all."
One of the boys with dark brown or rather blackish hair with a slight curl to them and a personality that could possibly only be described as energetic looked at Tim and said.
"Boys, let's go to pizza hut!"
This boy's name was Patrick. As you could already see, he's practically like a ball of bundled up energy, ready to explode at any moment. Sometimes he is way too energetic.
"Chill out Patrick, it's not like the shop's going to run away from us."
This was said by a boy with a little bit of a Russian accent. He had brown curly hair and was a bit taller than the first three boys. His name was Phillip, though most of the time they just called him Phil. He pushed up his rectangle-shaped glasses with round edges with his index finger, which then glinted. Wow, is that one of the famous anime effects?
"Um… can we stop standing in the middle of the pavement and move now?"
The last boy called out to the rest of group who were, up until now, standing in the middle of the pavement, basically blocking the common folk. The last boy's name is Jacob. He is the tallest of the group and has short black hair. Usually the most quiet from the whole group.
The group looked at him, then at each other and then finally they looked around them to see people trying to get by them. Though they were a little bit confused by the fact that none of the people going around them seemed to be bothered about this little public display of theirs, but in the end they just ignored it and continued walking toward their destination.
As they were walking, one of the boys from the group of friends called out to the rest – Tim.
"Guys, isn't something a little strange here?"
Phillip looked at Tim.
"Uhm... maybe it's you actually not ditching us?"
The rest of the group laughed a little and the person in question, Tim, looked at his friend Phil with a speechless expression on his face.
"Oh wow, that was kind of rude... but also funny."
Tim replied and also chuckled a little from the joke. A second later his head throbbed painfully for what could only be described as microsecond but he still felt it. He stopped for a moment and looked at the rest of the group and saw them looking at him with a question mark above their head, asking why he stopped.
"Bruh, why did you stop so suddenly?"
David asked, but then, he also felt a throbbing pain course through his head briefly before disappearing. Soon after the whole group felt the same sensation and also slowed their steps before stopping completely.
Soon after, a groan of pain could be heard escaping from somebody's mouth. Afterward a chorus of groans could be heard from the group as the intervals of pain increased and with it, the pain as well.
The group looked at each other while feeling the intense pain. Nobody said anything as the pain was only getting worse and worse. After what seemed like an eternity Jacob called out.
"Do you all have a terrible headache as well?"
One of them replied while rest nodded their heads, though they did it slowly because otherwise it would hurt like hell.
"Well... this is certainly weird." Said Patrick and the rest of the group hummed in affirmation.
"I-i think we should go get some painkillers." Recommended David as his speech stumbled a little bit because of the pain.
"Wait, i think i may have some in my bag. Let me take a look to see if i c-can find them." Tim answered as he brought his backpack to the front, opened it and started rummaging through it to find some painkillers.
While the rest of the group stood around him, waiting for him to get the pills trying not to focus on the pain, they didn't notice that their surroundings were getting foggier by the second and the people started growing more and more transparent.
"Ah i finally found them-"
Tim didn't get to finish his sentence before an ear-splitting screech sounded throughout their ears as they quickly covered them as much as they could. Not that it helped them in any way.
The pills were now on the ground and the group of teenagers tried to pick them up, but could not because a sudden flash of white light quickly blinded them and before they knew it, they were all already unconscious and unmoving. But now instead of being in the middle of a street which they were crossing earlier, they could now be seen in a completely different environment. But they would find that out once they woke up.