>Chapter 2<

After the chorus of sighs slowly came to an end, the guys matched each other's gazes. They all thought that they needed to get out of there quickly or the ride won't end in a field of flowers and roses. As anxiety was slowly starting to spread in the atmosphere, Patrick, as the guy who always lightens up the situation, asked a question to dissolve the dense and depressive atmosphere.

"So what's the plan?" Asked Patrick with a determined tone and continued. "I think it's safe to say that the stranger shouldn't come back for at least a little while, so what are your guys' ideas?"

"I think we should get out of here tonight." Phillip answered. "We aren't exactly being treated like guests based on the fact that they took our belongings."

"I agree with Phillip. We should find a way out tonight or maybe we won't get to see the sun ever again." Jacob said.

"We should sneak out while the person is asleep so we don't get into unnecessary trouble, but even if we do get caught, i don't think it will be a problem to overwhelm one person with the five of us." David chimed in and after he took a quick breath he continued. "And i have a knife in my bag, so i think we should go find our things first in case something unexpected happens."

"I actually have a knife in my bag as well." Chirped in Tim from the side before saying "So just to be safe we have to get our knives, the next question is - where are our bags?"

"We just need to know when the person falls asleep and then everything should go smoothly." Patrick repeated the plan.

"Yeah, but where do we go from there? Do we just run in a random direction? Or does the kidnapper guy have a map or something similar?" Tim questioned.

"Well, there are some bags further back in the carriage. Look." Patrick said and pointed to the back of the carriage.

There was a chest with a lock and a lot of sacks. The sacks looked to be full so there was a very good chance our group will most likely find something very good. Or maybe not...

"We might find something interesting in there. I think we should go and check it out." Patrick said. No shit Sherlock i would've never thought about that...

"I think only one of us should go, so as to not make any unnecessary noise and i think it also should be the lightest person here-…" As Timothy was about to finish his sentence he noticed everyone's gaze was focused on him. He thought back to what he said and his face turned kind of funny. "Maybe the second lightest person should go? Or maybe... ugh, alright got it, I'll be right back."

As he finished saying that, he slowly started to get up before making slow but steady steps toward the back of the carriage. As he got further and further, he also started getting more and more nervous. I mean, who wouldn't right?

Suddenly, he made a mistake and stepped on the floor too hastily, which then made a loud, creaking noise.


He stopped walking and just stood there paralyzed for a few seconds and the rest of the guys just patiently waited while looking back and forth between him and the carriage entrance.

After about half a minute, Tim started to move again but slower than even before, barely making any progress. Slow and steady, slow and steady... Tim repeated this line in his mind as he quickly reached the metaphorical finish line and looked at the bunch of bags in front of him.

He hesitated, but in the end, left with no other choice, he started opening the sacks.

He untied the first one, opened it and looked inside and he saw... Nothing, he saw nothing at all. He was confused. Well the sack did look full at first, but he just quickly comforted himself with the excuse of being tired and ignored this sack of... nothing.

He then slowly started to open the second sack. He untied the rope but... there was nothing in there as well. "Am i hallucinating?" Tim mumbled under his breath as he went on to open the next one.

This was the final sack and he noticed this one actually had some weight to it. He was feeling confused. Why didn't he notice that he couldn't feel the weight of the sacks sooner?

He ignored the weird feeling he was getting before opening the final sack and finding their treasure! Their bags full of school stuff which, he thought, wasn't going to be needed anytime soon.

He started rummaging through their backpacks to find their knives. He found his knife. Nice, now I just need to find David's, he thought.

He soon found it and was slowly and quietly making his way back. Midway or so, he heard footsteps nearing the carriage and started panicking. What should I do? Do i run? Will the person hear it?

He looked at his group who just gave him a glare, urging him to hurry up and come back.

He made up his mind and picked up his pace and soon reached his spot next to David. As soon as he got there he heard the carriage flap open and the person walking in from the outside looked around the carriage. The person thought they heard a creaking noise coming from inside, so they came to check it out. Finding nothing but the five boys sleeping next to and across from each other, the person went back to their campsite, which was more than seventy meter away.

"The coast is clear guys." Phillip whispered.

"Good because I'm never doing that ever again." Tim said in a whisper that would make even a mosquito sound louder. "Anyways, here's your knife." Tim gave David his box cutter knife then tightly squeezed his dark blue knife.

"So, now we just wait?" Patrick asked in an impatient tone.

"Yeah, i would wait for a little bit before all of us go out of the carriage." Tim said. It sounds like someone doesn't want to be here anymore.

"We still don't know who we're working with. The person could have a gun or something and if he has, then we're finished." Phillip said. The sound of reason has finally spoken.

"Do you think he has a gun? From what I've seen up until now, I'd guess he would, at most, have a bow or something more primitive than a gun." Jacob voiced out.

"You never know, we don't even know where we are, we have to be ready for anything." David reasoned.

"Then, what do we do now?" Patrick asked again.

"We wait." Answered the four other boys before closing their eyes and going back to "sleep".