Rainy Day

Austria, October 21st 1794

3:14 PM

Lukas was in the library reading a book. He seemed to be really focused on it.

'Lucifer, whose name means light-bearer is a fallen angel, and God's main enemy,' Lukas read. 'He was once God's right arm, however, due to greed, ambition, and pride, he betrayed his creator.'

Soon, Lukas was interrupted in his reading by Olivia, walking in the library. "Lukas, isn't it time for your training session?" she asked.

Lukas looked a bit taken aback, but he just nodded his head. "Y-Yes, Olivia. I'll be in the garden soon," he replied.

"Be careful, it's raining a lot today," Olivia said.

Lukas just answered her with a slight nod. After that, the humble-looking woman left the library.

Lukas took a deep breath. 'What time is it?' he wondered. 'I did answer Olivia, but I was just in automatic mode,' the blonde boy thought.

Lukas looked at the clock and nodded his head. 'Yep, I guess it's time. I'd better get going,' he thought.

After that, he jumped out of his chair right before placing the book he was reading in the spot where it previously was.

As Lukas was heading to the garden, he was thinking about what he had just read. 'Pride, greed and ambition created the greatest villain in history, according to the Church,' he thought.

Lukas sighed. 'Well, I guess we all have a bit of villainy. Even I do,' he thought.

When Lukas opened the door of the mansion, the blonde boy noticed that it really was raining quite lot. 'Well, I am going to wait in here,' he thought.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Lukas saw Herman arriving while riding his horse. 'I could've stayed in the library for a bit longer,' the blonde boy thought with an upset expression.

When Herman stopped his horse and tied him to a tree nearby. He made a gesture to Lukas for him to come closer.

Lukas did what Herman asked and slowly walked towards the bulky man.

Herman just showed a smirk. 'I wonder if it really is today he's going to carry out his plan? No, it can't be, I wouldn't have just spilled the beans like that! But... what if he just wanted me to think that?

Aaaaah, damn you brat!' the bulky man internally complained.

Lukas noticed that, despite Herman being smirking, he was struggling internally. 'Good. I got him,' he thought.

"Well, let's see what your "rainy day" will be like," Herman said, still showing a smirk.

Lukas raised his brow. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

Herman just ignored Lukas's shameless question and decided to go ahead with the session.


Austria, October 21st 1794

17:10 PM

After the usual training session that the Lukas usually went through, both Herman and the blonde boy were facing each other.

The both of them were holding a wooden sword and stared at each other's eyes with a focused expression.

'Good. Herman really is focused on me now. That didn't happen before,' Lukas thought. 'By the way, even though it's not as much as before, it's still raining, oh God, I really chose the perfect day for this,' he concluded.

"When I count to three, we start, alright?" he asked.

Lukas just answered him with a slight nod.

Then, Herman started counting. "1,2, and 3!" the bulky man said and darted towards the blonde boy.

'Okay, the plan is to take advantage of Herman's new rule adopted for this new kind of duel,' Lukas thought.

The new rule that Lukas was referring to was that now Herman could hit Lukas whenever he wanted. Before, Herman could only land a few hits on Lukas, but now, he had no limits.

Lukas's plan was to pretend that he was already too hurt to keep fighting and catch Herman off guard.

That's when another rule that Herman had adopted would kick in. He said that the duel was going to last twenty minutes or until Lukas managed to hit him.

What was the rain for? Well, that was just a bluff from Lukas. The rain had nothing to do with his plan, it was just a way of tricking Herman and making him focus too much on something pointless.

Of course, he was going to use the rain as a way to distract Herman, otherwise he would suspect, there are a lot of ways to do it, like making him slip on the ground or splashing the water on the bulky man's eyes, etc..

Lukas and Herman started dueling fiercely. Of course, Herman was holding back, but his movements were still fast and strong.

Meanwhile, Lukas was giving his all. He was only focused on hitting Herman.

'This is useless! I wouldn't be able to hit Herman with the skills I have right now, not even in one million years! I can only do it with a good plan!' he thought.

As they kept dueling fiercely, Lukas decided to take a bit of advantage of the rain, he started using his sword to splash the water on Herman's eyes, however, he didn't even react to that action.

'Shit!' Lukas thought.

After dueling for a bit more, Lukas used another one of his plans. He gouged out a bit of mud with his foot and kicked it towards Herman's face.

The bulky man noticed Lukas's action in the last moment, however, he wasn't able to dodge it anymore, so he decided to use the sword to block it.

He pushed Lukas away with his sword and nimbly placed the wooden weapon in front of his face to prevent the mud from hitting it.

When Lukas noticed that Herman was distracted, he decided to land a strong blow on his left arm, however, he quickly dodged and kicked Lukas away.

"YOU FUCKING BRAT!" he yelled right before gritting his teeth.

Lukas was sent a few meters away because of Herman's kick. Lukas felt a strong pain in his chest and clinged to it for a while before recovering from the uncomfortable feeling.

Lukas slowly stood up as he smirked. 'Herman's kick hurt, but it's still fun to see him this pissed,' he thought.

Lukas's smirk only made Herman even angrier, so the bulky man charged towards the blonde boy.

'That's it! That's what I wanted!' he thought, however, he changed his mind. '...No! Not yet! Even though it's good that he's angry, I still intend to be hit a few more times before trying to land the final blow. No need to be hurry, I got time,' the blonde boy concluded.

Lukas was also trying to make Herman angry. He knew that the bulky man was similar to him about that, the both of them were very short-tempered.

That was even a lesson that Herman taught Lukas a lot. When you get mad, your movements usually get simpler, making you an easier target to your opponent.

Lukas quickly stood up and blocked Herman's strong blow, however, the strength of the blow made the blonde boy shudder.

'D-Did he even hold back?' Lukas wondered.

After exchanging blows for a bit longer, Herman noticed that Lukas was using another cheap trick.

He had covered both his hands and the hilt of the sword with mud, making his grip stickier and harder for the blonde boy to drop his sword.

Herman could only sigh at that. 'This boy is unbearable! If he does this kind of stuff every duel from now on, I'll make him graduate right away!' he thought.

Herman decided to hit Lukas few more times out of anger, of course, with controlled strength.

After a few more blows, Lukas jumped back to catch some breath. 'Good, I'm almost there! Just a bit more!'

Herman smirked at Lukas's action. "Time's passing, brat!" he said with a teasing tone.

Lukas just gritted his teeth and decided to attack Herman with everything he had, pretending to be angry.

Lukas then charged at the bulky man with an angry expression, making Herman sigh. 'This brat never learns,' he thought.

As they were exchanging blows once again, it was obvious that Herman was having it much easier than before Lukas getting angry and attacking him Herman like crazy.

When Lukas was about to swing his sword once again, Herman hit Lukas's weapon, making the blonde boy drop it. After that, he landed a blow on Lukas's belly, making him fall on the ground as he clinged to it.

Herman looked at Lukas with a stern expression. "Will you ever learn, Lukas?" he asked. "Don't get pissed!" the bulky man ordered with a loud tone.

'You're one to talk,' Lukas thought as he kept laying on the ground and clinging to his stomach.

Herman raised his brow at Lukas's action. 'Perhaps I overdid it,' he thought.

Herman slowly lowered his body towards Lukas. "Hey, brat, are you okay?" he asked.

Suddenly, Lukas grabbed the sword beside him and threw at Herman with all his strength.

When Herman saw Lukas moving, he started moving backwards, however, even though he was still very close to the blonde boy when he threw the sword at him, he managed to dodge it at the last second.

Lukas widened his eyes when he saw Herman dodging. "I hit you! I know I did!" the blonde boy said loudly.

Herman just frowned. "What, Lukas? It's very obvious that I dodged," he said.

"It was just a scratch, but I know it hit you," Lukas countered.

Herman sighed. "I said that you had to land a blow on me, not that you had to scratch me with the sword. And no, you didn't even scratch me. Nice try, though," he said.

Lukas was utterly shocked to hear Herman's statement. "W-What?" he asked.

"Oh, by the way," Herman said. "Time's up," he stated as he showed his watch to Lukas.

'Ok, now the grand finale,' Lukas thought. "FUCK!" he yelled.

After that, he went towards the sword he had thrown and threw it even farther away, making Herman sigh in disappointment.

'Okay, I guess this is convincing enough. I'll keep dueling as usual until a snowy day comes and so I can carry out my real plan,' Lukas thought. 'I got a lot of time to train. I can do it,' he concluded.

Herman approached Lukas and hit the back of his neck. "Ouch!" the blonde boy complained.

"Stop with that kind of reactions, will you? It'll only make it more difficult for you to land a blow on me" Herman said.

Lukas just puffed his cheeks, as if sulking, but he still answered Herman. "...Fine," he said.

Herman sighed. "For each reaction like that that you have, I'll increase one blow that you'll have to land on me," he said.

'Well, I'm glad you didn't adopt that rule earlier, otherwise I would have to hit you like 10 times at this point,' Lukas thought.

"Huh... please, don't do that, Herman. Do you want me to be your pupil for the rest of your life?" Lukas asked.

Herman shrugged his shoulders. "Your father pays well," he answered.

"...Good point," Lukas said.

Herman chuckled. "Well, if you don't wanna be my pupil for the rest of my life, just don't have that kind of reactions again," he said. "...By the way, why for the rest of MY life? Why not yours?" the bulky man asked.

Lukas shrugged his shoulders. "Because you would die from so many blows I landed on you," he replied.

Herman sighed and then scratched the back of his head. "Well, I guess you'll never change, Lukas," he said.

"Thank you," Lukas answered with a smug smile.

After a while, they bid their farewell to each other and Lukas entered the mansion.

After taking a bath, Lukas went to his room and laid on his bed with a loud sigh.

'My whole body hurts, I really hope it was worth it,' the blonde boy thought. 'Well, now unless something unexpected happens, I only have to wait until Winter,' he concluded.