
Austria, November 23rd 1796

2:46 PM

The carriage that was transporting Elias, Lukas, Tobias and Violett had finally arrived to Austria. It was now in Vienna and almost at Violett and Tobias's mansion.

Everyone was silent in the carriage. It was a bit exhaustive to travel for that long, so they were just lost deep in their thoughts.

Only Lukas looked comfortable because he was sleeping, however, he was still the most resistant person in the carriage regarding that.

As long as Lukas had something to focus on, he could spend months after months travelling inside that carriage. When Lukas was focused, everything around him would just stop existing, and hours would go by without him even noticing.

Tobias looked at Elias with his usual smile. "Elias, do you not want to spend the night over in our place? I am sure it would be a good break from this tiresome trip," he said.