
Austria, December 4th 1796

3:43 PM

Lukas was laying on his bed as he stared at the ceiling. Since Sunday was the only day of the week where he didn't have any compromises, he could rest.

Even though Lukas was someone who used to procrastinate a lot, mainly as a baby, probably due to the lots of routines and tasks he has been having for his whole life, he became quite a workaholic.

It was pretty much impossible for Lukas to spend a whole without doing anything. He would even struggle to spend a few hours awake without moving a finger. 

For Lukas's happiness, something he had to work on was about to show up.

A knock on the door of Lukas's room could be heard, so the blonde boy just turned his head slowly to the door.

"Come in," Lukas calmly said.

So, Olivia opened the door, she seemed a bit apprehensive. "Lukas, a mail pigeon showed up in the garden. It had this letter with your name written," she said, showing him the letter.