I Cannot Tell You

Austria, January 22nd 1797

4:06 PM

Elias nodded his head. "Well, I'll be going now," he said as he raised his rand as if to bid farewell to Lukas before walking towards the stairs.

"Oh, wait, dad, just one more thing," Lukas said immediately turning to Elias.

Elias abruptly stopped and hesitatingly turned to his son, behind him.

Lukas tilted his head. "You look weird, and Tobias looked very satisfied with himself. You didn't agree with supporting him against the head of the Von Neumann house, right?" he asked.

Elias widened his eyes. 'Th-This damned brat!' he thought 

Lukas noticed Elias's reaction and took a step forward. "So, you did, right?" he asked, with a serious expression.

Elias then took a deep breath. "I didn't," he replied. "But Tobias did blackmail me, and he is pretty confident that this blackmail will work on me," the brown-haired man said.

Lukas raised his brow. "Will it?" he asked.