New Daily Routine

Austria, June 18th 1801

6:00 AM

Lukas was sleeping on his bed. Some months had passed, and his body looked a bit better regarding the wounds he previously had.

His face, which was one of the most affected spots in his body, now looked perfectly healthy. It was as if he had stopped training completely.

Soon, Lukas woke up. After moving around on the bed for a while, he sat up and stretched himself.

After that, he yawned and rubbed his eyes. After staring at the wall of his room for a while, he finally got up from his bed, and started getting ready.

Lukas took a sip of water from a small gallon that he had on his nightstand, and then started undressing his pajama, and putting his other clothes on.

After putting on his clothes, he headed out of his bedroom towards the dining room, where he was going to have a light breakfast.

In the dining room, Lukas had only one slice of bread, and a glass of juice.