Trying To Talk

Mediterranean Sea, June 25th 1801

7:34 AM

Lukas and Leonhard were sitting beside each other on the deck of the ship. The both of them were leaning against the small wall that surrounded the deck of the ship.

Leonhard and Lukas had just finished their training, and were now watching the sunrise as they munched on their breakfast.

Leonhard then sighed. "Okay, I guess it was actually wasn't that bad to wake up so early," he said before showing a slight smile.

Lukas nodded his head in agreement. "See? After all it looks like I'm right doesn't it?" he asked.

Leonhard then looked at Lukas out of the corner of his eyes, with an expression of disapproval.

Lukas then sighed after seeing Leonhard's reaction. "Sorry," he said.

Leonhard and Lukas stayed for a while longer.

They had finished their breakfast, and were now just watching the sunrise.

After they were done, Lukas and Leonhard stood up and stretched their bodies.