Shameless Request

India, July 29th 1801

1:01 PM

Lakshmi was on the second floor of the brothel, looking for Lukas. She had committed with him to go talk to Jaya around this time, however, he was nowhere to be seen.

Lakshmi then hurried to a corridor, and looked at both sides, still not seeing Lukas.

After that, Lakshmi grunted in frustration. 'What happened to Luka?! Where's she?! Did she get lost? Or maybe she is afraid of talking to Jaya? Should I do it myself?' she wondered, with a lot going on her head.

Lakshmi then sighed deeply, calming down. 'Calm down, Lakshmi! Go look for her on the first floor!' she thought while shaking her head quite violently in order to calm herself.

After that, Lakshmi took a deep breath, and hurried to find Lukas. After going to the salon, and looking for him everywhere, Lakshmi finally caught a glimpse of him.