Necessary Slaps

India, July 28th 1801

10:46 PM

Lukas and Jaya were across each other. Jaya was kneeling where as Lukas was sitting, leaning against the wall opposite to the door of the room.

Lukas then sighed. "I'm not a pervert, Jaya. I'm not here to fulfill some fantasy of mine. I have a mission to accomplish here," he said.

Jaya then tilted her head. "So... are you a soldier or something?" she then frowned. "By the way, how old are you?!" the girl asked.

Lukas then shrugged his shoulders. "I'll turn 13 in about 3 weeks," he answered before sighing lightly. "Regarding whether I'm a soldier or not... well, to be honest, even I am not very sure of my function. I'd say that I'm willing to do anything if it benefits me," the blonde boy said.

Lukas was trying to be as honest as possible to Jaya. If he wanted the girl to trust him, then he should show her trust first.