Did I Do Well?

India, July 29th 1801

10:43 PM

Lukas walked to stand besides Arthur's corpse, and crouched down.

After waiting for a while, Lukas raised his brow, and looked at Jaya, who was just standing, not doing anything to help Lukas. "What's wrong? Help me, would you?" he asked.

Jaya then frowned with her arms crossed. "What do you mean with that? We don't even have windows to throw him out of here," she said.

Lukas then sighed. "Don't worry, okay? We are just going to hide him under the bed. Nobody enters other people's rooms during the night, right?" he asked.

Jaya then scoffed. "No way I'll sleep with a corpse under my bed! It's creepy! Besides, it'll stink," she said.

Lukas then sighed. "You may go sleep in my room. Nobody will make a fuss out of it," he said.