Change Of Route

India, August 1st 1801

7:43 AM

Lukas and Leonhard had already left the inn. They were now heading to the ship in order to finally depart back to Austria.

However, when the both of them arrived there, the seamen looked pretty busy, including Chaz, who was watching over all of them in order to see if they did their work properly.

Lukas and Leonhard then stood in front of the ship, and looked up at it.

It didn't take too long for Chaz to notice their presences there before he looked down at them.

Chaz then widened his eyes, and turned to some seamen, and started ordering them around, telling them let Lukas and Leonhard on the ship.

The bridge of the boat soon was erected , and Lukas and Leonhard could walk into the shop before going up to the deck.

On the deck, Lukas and Leonhard went to meet Chaz.

As soon as Leonhard and Lukas were there, Chaz bowed down. "Lord Lukas, Your Majesty Leonhard. I am glad you have arrived," he said.