Piece Of Cake

Austria, September 3rd 1801

6:00 AM

Niklas was sleeping on his bed. He seemed to be really deep in his sleep, and it looked like he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

At that moment, however, some light started being directed against his eyes, which immediately bothered him, and made him roll over.

"Niklas," a familiar voice called softly.

Niklas was almost awake at this point, since he was very sensitive to all kinds of stimuli.

"Niklas!" the voice said louder.

Niklas then immediately opened his eyes before slowly turning towards the voice.

Niklas then narrowed his eyes, being affected by the sunlight. "L-Lukas?" he asked.

Lukas then nodded his head with a smile. "Yeah, I guess that's me," he said. "So, shall we go training?" the blonde boy asked.

Niklas then raised his brow. "This early?" he asked.