They Are Royalty

Austria, October 1st 1801 

8:56 AM

Lukas then left his room in order to head to Leonhard's marriage. It was going to take part in a church nearby, and he could absolutely not be late.

Lukas then was about to turn to head to the stairs, however, for his surprise, Niklas showed up.

Lukas then looked at Niklas. "Niklas? Are you ready to go?" he asked.

Niklas then nodded his head. "Yes," he said, still with his very weird tone of voice. A few things never changed.

Lukas then nodded his head. "Okay, let's go, then," he said before turning around and starting to head to the stairs.

Niklas immediately started following him, as the both of them went to the first floor of the palace.

All it took was a single look at Niklas's face in order to notice that he was much healthier than before. 

Niklas had a much healthier face, which used to have eyebags, and a few other things. But now, they had completely vanished.