Honest Chat

Austria, June 21st 1803

5:37 PM

Lukas then left the throne hall, closing the door behind him. Lukas then sighed softly while heading to the stairs.

Lukas then walked up the stairs before heading to his room. There, he opened the door, and Violett could already be seen there, eating the snacks she had brought.

Most of the snacks were some kind of cookies, as well as some small cakes. Well, basically, all of it was sweet.

Violett then smiled while eating a piece of cake. "Lukas! Come here, quick!" she said with her mouth full while patting the mattress.

Lukas then smiled in amusement before walking in and closing the door. After that, he immediately started heading towards his bed and sat beside Violett.

Lukas then looked at Violett. "So, are the snacks good?" he asked while taking his boots off.

Violett then showed a pleased expression. "They're great! You have to taste one," she said while picking a cookie and offering it to Lukas.