"I Promise"

Austria, July 1st 1803

1:01 PM

Lukas was in his room, laying on his bed while reading a book. After the quarrel he had had with Leonhard, he thought it was better if he relaxed a bit.

After all, even though he didn't have many intense jobs during all these three years, he hadn't relaxed at all. He was either training, or trying to improve Niklas's social skills, or doing some other small things that Franz had asked him to.

Soon, Lukas heard a knock on his door. "Come in," he immediately answered.

The door then opened, and Adele could be seen now. "Young Master, lunch is about to be served," she said with a smile.

Lukas immediately sat up. "Very well. I'm going," he replied.

Adele nodded her head. "Very well," she said before leaving, and closing the door behind her.

Lukas sighed before standing up, and stretching. 'I feel like I'm forgetting something,' he thought.