Strong Wine

Prussia, July 19th 1803

11:15 PM

Lukas was laying on his bed with his arm over his eyes. The days in this mansion had turned out to be quite monotonous.

That didn't mean that Lukas disliked his time there, only that he was starting to get... a bit bored, something that he had hardly felt during his time in the royal palace, for obvious reasons.

Not just that, but Lukas also felt a bit awkward around Nathalie. He hated to admit it, but he actually found her pretty attractive. 

Despite Nathalie not being old at all, she was still older than Lukas, she had turned 15 about a month ago. And that made Lukas even more interested in her.

That could be considered something good, since Lukas was engaged to Nathalie, however, he knew that he had to control his urges until the marriage happened.