Dance Floor

Prussia, July 28th 1803

11:04 AM

Lukas was still in his wedding party, however, at the moment, he was just lost in his thoughts, as if he wasn't very interested in that party anymore.

Lukas brought some tea to his mouth. 'Okay, okay. Napoleon has actually declared war on Austria... but why? What would he gain with that? When he came to meet me in the Royal Palace he was already supporting the revolutions, so it can't be because of something I did back then. No, there has to be something that happened between the party where I met him and the day where the revolutions started taking place,' he thought.

Lukas put down his cup of tea. 'Well, I could only deduct that if I was sure that he was behind the revolutions all the time. They could've started with a different leader, and then the leadership switched to Napoleon... still, how?' he wondered.