Warm Welcome

Prussia, July 29th 1803

2:22 PM

Even though Lukas was trying to come up with a solution to this problem, his brain simply couldn't figure it out. Why had Erik sent both Olivia and Klara? And besides, how did he know those two servants? Specially Klara.

'No, actually, Olivia raised my mother, so it's just natural that Erik knows her,' Lukas thought before shaking his head slightly, trying to pull himself together. 'Calm down, Lukas. Think calmly,' the blonde boy added.

Meanwhile, the servants started introducing themselves. Olivia was the first one to do it.

Olivia bowed down. "Good afternoon, Lord Konrad, Lady Nathalie," she said. "I am Olivia, and I am going to be your servant from now on," the woman continued.

Konrad raised his brow. 'What? Do I not have say in this?' he wondered.