First Battle

France, September 3rd 1803

4:37 PM

Herman seemed to be the one to take over from now on, since he was the one who was commanding everyone.

The soldiers were divided in about twelve battalions: 2 on Julian's side, and the other ten that came with Herman.

It was another Version of the formation that Julian's army had been using to defend until then, however, it was in a bigger proportion.

There were about two lines of soldiers upfront, four behind them, and then other six behind those, making the formation triangle-shaped.

Since Herman's men had suddenly arrived, Lukas thought that the French side would back down, however, it was soon noticeable that that's not what was going to happen.

Instead, the French side bravely changed their formation. Before, there were two lines of soldiers before the other 9 lines, leaving gaps behind where the front lines were.