
France, September 20th 1803

10:41 PM

Arthur was tied to a pole, with his back turned to both Leonhard and Alexander. The general was whipping his back mercilessly.

The more Arthur felt the whip on his back, the more he screamed in pain. The sharp pain on his back was getting more and more unbearable.

Alexander, meanwhile, just showed Arthur a pair of cold eyes, not showing any emotion while inflicting that much pain to that man, who used to be his comrade.

Arthur clenched his fists before starting to bawl. "P-Please, Lord Alexander! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't want to do it! Please! Please!" he begged.

Alexander scoffed softly. "How pathetic you are. Were you truly part of the Austrian army?" he asked in a rude tone.

After that, Alexander walked up to Arthur, and pulled his head backwards by his hair, making see all the soldier who had already woken up to see his torture.