Fruitless Prayers

France, September 22nd 1803

9:16 PM

Lukas had finished pointing out the trees he thought as the best ones to chop down. He considered the position and the size of the tree in order to decide it.

Lukas sighed before looking up at both Herman and Lucius. "So, what do you think?" he asked.

Herman nodded his head. "Looks good to me. They don't move their cannons, so those trees will definitely hit them," he said.

Lucius nodded his head as well. "I agree with Captain Herman. I believe those are the best options we have," he said.

Lukas nodded his head. "Good. Now all we have to is creating the teams that are going to chop them down. They are 3 trees, however, they are all very close to each other, so I think one team is enough," he said.

"Definitely," Herman said while nodding his head.