The Main Mission

France, September 26th 1803

10:34 AM

Lukas kept watching his partners from the top of the tree branch. His eyes were fully focused on that situation.

At the fortress, Johan had a similar expression to Lukas's, however, in his case, it looked like he had realized something important.

'I thought that I could become a soldier without being cold, but that's not right. I can still continue to be myself, but I should put certain parts of me aside when we are in war,' Johan thought.

Johan clenched both his fists, filling pumped up. 'I am so dumb. How could I take so long to figure something like this out? It's so obvious!' he thought.

Marius was paying attention to his enemies' actions. They didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, however, he knew that it was just a matter of time.

On the walls of the fortress, Fernand, the captain, raised his brow. '... What's wrong? Aren't they backing down?' he wondered.