
France, September 30th 1803

7:02 PM

Lukas and Lucius stared at each other for a while. Finally, the blonde boy decided to break the silence.

"Yes, Lucius. Your scars," Lukas replied with a raised eyebrow.

Lucius looked pretty hesitant. "Hum... those are... huh... I-It's nothing really," he replied, clearly very tense.

'...Yep, another thing he doesn't want to talk about. Just how many issues does this dude have? Or maybe they're all one issue?' Lukas thought before sighing. "Well, it's okay if you don't wanna tell me," the blonde boy said while standing up.

Lucius looked up at Lukas. "...Oh. Th-Thank you," he replied. 'He always says that when he notices I'm uncomfortable. Nobody's ever acted to me like that. Most of the times, they either tell me to man up, or keep insisting for me to tell them about the problem when I'm clearly not okay with that,' the black-haired boy thought.