Muted And Flashy Colors

France, October 4th 1803

9:13 AM

Lukas and everyone else were getting ready to go to the fortress. Today was finally the day where they were going to carry out the plan to take it down.

Lukas's wounds were much better already. He didn't have any limitations to walk anymore, and his pain was minimal. It was enough to carry out the plan with no major problems.

Lukas zipped up his uniform before turning to his men. Most of them seemed ready to depart already, so he didn't hesitate to call out to them.

"Men, attention!" Lukas called, making everyone turn against him. "Captain Herman is going to speak now," the blonde boy added.

Herman stepped up from behind him. "Thank you, Lukas," he calmly said. "Very well, men! Listen to me! This mission we are going to carry out is just as, or even more important that made us win our last battle!"